Newsletter Number #177  ( Nrsimha Chaturdasi issue 2006 A.D. Gaurabda 520 )

ki jaya


Please Accept My Respectful Obeisances (cyber pranams) & Best Wishes To All


All Glories To Srila Prabhupad.

/ \    All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Welcome to the latest edition of the on-line HKSRNewsletter, and our humble attempt to render some service to the devotee community. The format of this newsletter is that of a continuous scroll, please see the table of contents where everything is hyper-linked on-line, we hope it's now easier for you all. This newsletter still goes out to way over 3008 receivers. We trust that all is well with everyone by the Mercy of the Lord. However, if anyone would like to be removed please just send us a message requesting me to do so, and we will do it promptly. If you are receiving this from a friend, and would like to be added directly to the mailout please also let us know and we will do the needful there too. Removal and Subscription details at the very end of this newsletter.

Hare Krishna. =>B-) JTCd

"May there be good fortune throughout the universe, and may all envious persons be pacified. May all living entities become calm by practicing bhakti-yoga, for by accepting devotional service they will think of each other’s welfare. Therefore let us all engage in the service of the supreme transcendence, Lord Sri Krishna, and always remain absorbed in thought of Him."(Srimad Bhagavatam 5:18:9.)

The Nectar in this Issue 

From time to time articles and shlokas (verses) included in this newsletter may require the Balaram font in order to view them nicely. If you don't have the Balaram font installed on your system you can download it for free from our fonts page.

IN THIS ISSUE: (click on the hyper-linked underlined below to jump there...)
WWW - news and views: Calendar Updates & Events - Festivals, Feasts, Fasts & Functions:

See the events on Interactive Calendar site for details:
The present year's Vaishnava Calendar for 2006-2007
(some selected locations are available already below)

...Download the Vaishnava Calendar software VCAL 4.01
...Ekadasi Information - fasting - breakfast times

Local temples
...Newsletters & Blogs

Words of Wisdom - Shastra & Shastrakaras speak:
... (Srila Prabhupad & the previous Acharyas)
... Coming Festivals
... Local temples
... Verses from Shastra
... Hare Krishna Maha Mantra
... Hare Krishna as ancient religion - NOT a cult
... Vaishnava Songs
... Samskaras and Agama Tantra
... Articles - topical
... Other Topical links - etc
... Vedik revival - Vedik World Heritage

Advertisements - what's on where: check them out...
... Cyber Community Notice Board
...lastest important news items !!!!

... Hare Krishna School in Auckland
... Ayurvedic health - and seminars - Radiance Ayurved has new site
... Fire Safety - Water Safety - Internet Safety
... Singles - Hare Krishna Singles - Vegetarian Singles - Marriage Compatibility checking
... FREE CD Rom
... Sri Shalagram Tirtha Pradarshini web-site and new newsletter
... Vegetarianism and Beyond site gets re-vamped
... Gaura Yoga - Wellington
... The Loft Auckland
... The new Auckland Temple now open

... and much more

At Grass Roots: Topical stuff
... Seasonal Greetings.....Happy 2006
... Have a Happy Year - Gaurabda 520

Prasadam Recipes: To slake the thirst of body, mind & soul
...World Vegetarian Day & World Vegetarian Awareness Month of October links
... Religious Stands on Vegetarianism (Vaishnava - Hindu, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism)
... some really useful Vege links and support
... inspiring Vegetarian articles
... Eggless cooking - baking - cakes
... Vegetarian Cheeses - new page (try the Tuxford range...)(updated August 2004)
... Vegetarian clubs
... Hare Krishna Food For Life - local and international food relief
... check out the new Ekadasi recipes link
... 101 reasons to be a vegetarian
... Meat substitutes - Tofu - Soy - TVP - tempe recipes
... White Sugar free from bone char in NZ
... FREE Meet your Meat CDRoms
... How to offer your food to God
... You mean that's in the Bible?
... visit our Vegetarianism and Beyond Award winning web-site
... Kurma's new web-site
... The Meatrix
... Holiday Season & Xmas survival recipes

Krishna conscious - Vedikly acceptable jokes:
... cut loose have a laugh
... serious therapy in humour !!!
... did U ever wonder -  Ways of the world - Strange but true

Thanx 2 our sponsors and supporters:
... sponsorship and support
... add or remove - sub or unsub
... HELP !!!
... donations welcome

On the WWW News, Events and Views

New Zealand Hare Krishna
Spiritual Resource Network
Check Out Our Main-index page
Easier to Navigate - Faster Loading
Lots of NEW links ....HEAPS !!! New Format & Layout ...have a surf !
NZ Hare Krishna Spiritual Resource Network Main Index:

Archana, Articles, Astrology, Audo files, Books, Calendars, Community, Downloads, E-cards, Education, Family, Food For Life, Ghosts, Harenama, Health, InterFaith, Iskcon, Jesus, Krishna, Karma, Lofts, Maori, Marketplace of the Holy name, Marriage Compatibility, Meditation, New Zealand centres, Prasadam, Questions and Answers, 4 Regulative Principles,, Self Help, seX-files, Srila Prabhupada, Temples world-wide, Varnashram Dharm, Vedik Culture, Vegetarianism & Beyond, Weather, X-poses, Yoga, Youth Forums, Zips.......and much much more !!!!!

So much more to be found there too... HEAPS of New sites/links
last updated on 3rd May 2006

Simply the Cheapest & Best

The Interactive Vaishnava Calendar page of Fasts, Festivals, Functions and Feasts. ( )

Now you can view the FULL years 1999-2000 & 2000-2001 & 2001-2002 & 2002-2003 & 2003-2004 & 2004-2005, and 2005-2006.
All Calendar entries are explained - Appearance or Disappearance days, festivals, fasts, feasts, etc.

View previous years festival dates on the Calendar:
The coming year's Vaishnava Calendar for 2006-2007

Beginning of Shalagram and Tulsi Jala Dan  (northern hemisphere)

Srimati Sita Devi (consort of Lord Rama) - Appearance - Avirbhav
Sri Madhu Pandit - Disappearance - Tirubhav

Srimati Jahnava Devi - Appearance - Avirbhav

Fasting on Suddha Ekadasi for Mohini Ekadasi - (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 9th May 2006  in NZ)

Srimati Rukmini Dvadasi

Sriman Jayananda Prabhu - Disappearance - Tirubhav

Sri Nrsimha Caturdasi -  Appearance of Lord Nrsimhadeva (Fasting till dusk) (Friday 12 May in NZ)

Mother's Day (NZ, Aus, USA, UK) (14th May 2006)

Krsna Phula Dola, Salila Vihara - Purnima
Sri Paramesvari Das Thakur - Disappearance - Tirubhav
Sri Sri Radha Ramana Devji - Appearance - Avirbhav
Sri Madhavendra Puri - Appearance - Avirbhav
Sri  Srinivasa Acarya - Appearance - Avirbhav

Buddhadev Purnima - Buddha Jayanti - Lord Buddha's Appearance day

End of Jala Dan  (in the northern hemisphere)

Vrsabha Sankranti (Sun enters Taurus)

Sri Ramananda Raya - Disappearance - Tirubhav

Fasting on Suddha Ekadasi for Apara Ekadasi - (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 23rd May 2006  in NZ)

Srila Vrindavana Das Thakur - Appearance - Avirbhav

World No Tobbaco Day - World No Smoking Day - 31st May every year

5th June - World Environment Day every year

Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana - Disappearance - Tirubhav
Sri Ganga Puja
Srimati Gangamata Goswamini - Appearance - Avirbhav

Fasting on Vyanjuli Mahadvadasi for Pandava Nirjala Ekadasi - (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 8th June 2006  in NZ)
 (Total fast, even from water, if you have broken Ekadasi)

Sri Panihati Cida Dahi Utsava

Snana Yatra (Sunday 11th June 2006 in Jagannath Puri)
Sri Mukunda Datta - Disappearance - Tirubhav
Sri Sridhara Pandit - Disappearance - Tirubhav

Sri Syamananda Prabhu - Disappearance - Tirubhav

Mithuna Sankranti (Sun enters Gemini)

Sri Vakresvara Pandit - Appearance - Avirbhav

Father's Day - 3rd Sunday in June in US & UK - 1st Sunday in September in Aus & NZ

Sri Srivas Pandit - Disappearance - Tirubhav

Trisprsa Mahadvadasi - Fasting on Suddha Ekadasi for Yogini Ekadasi - (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 22nd June 2006  in NZ)

Sri Gadadhara Pandit - Disappearance - Tirubhav
Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur - Disappearance  - Tirubhav (Fasting till noon)

Sri Gundica Marjana

Ratha Yatra - in Jagannath Puri 27th June 2006
Hera Pancami after 4 days
Return Ratha after 8 days
Sri Swarupa Damodara - Disappearance - Tirubhav
Sri Sivananda Sen - Disappearance - Tirubhav

Sri Vakresvara Pandit - Disappearance - Tirubhav

Fasting on Suddha Ekadasi for Sayana Ekadasi - (Fasting from Beans and Grains - 7th July 2006  in NZ)

 8 July Sayana Dwadasi

Sri Guru (Vyaasa) Purnima  - 11th July in NZ
Sri Sanatana Goswami - Disappearance - Tirubhav

First month of Caturmasya begins.
(Fast from sak, green leafy vegetables, for one month.)
(Caturmasya is not observed during Purusottama Adhika Masa.)

This year's full panjikam also now available for viewing:
The coming year's Vaishnava Calendar for 2006-2007

All Calender information HERE

Check out the Ekadasi pages with links to every Ekadasi:
(also find out from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada what is, and what constitutes a mahadwadasi)
Find out about Dwadasi and Mahadwadasi here:


kasmad ekadasi jata tasyah ko va vidhir dvija
kada va kriyate kim va phalam kim va vadasva me

ka va pujyatama tatra devata sad-gunarnava
akurvatah syat ko dosa etan me vaktum arhasi

"Oh Gurudeva! When did Ekadasi take birth and from whom did she appear? What are the rules of fasting on the Ekadasi? Please describe the benefits of following this vow and when it should be followed. Who is the utmost worshippable presiding deity of Sri Ekadasi? What are the faults in not following Ekadasi properly? Please bestow your mercy upon me and tell about these subjects, as you are the only personality able to do so."

Find out what was said HERE:

Download yourVaishnava Calendar and make a hard copy for this
All Vaishnava Calendar Information HERE (Downloads, Glossary, Calendars, Eclipses etc)

A New Face Lift for the old VCAL program - info page

Vaishnava Calendar Reminder Services

GBC Vaishnava Calendar Committee - Vaisnava Calendar Calculation

The present year's Vaishnava Calendar for 2005-2006
(some selected locations are available already below)

Now available:

or if you can't do that and you'd like a Calendar for your longitude, latitude and time zone ANYWHERE in the world I can do that for you and e-mail it to you - FREE    Vaishnava Calendar Software 4.01

Vaishnava Calendar Program Vcal 4.01 FREE Download, and make your own Calendar:

no more dodgy calendars/panchangas/panjikas from India

...some already made for you

Vaishnava Calendar maker for your region - on-line:

Astrologically/Astronomically Accurate and FREE

Please download the software from:

How to use the VCAL calendar program:

Vaishnava Calendar maker for your region - on-line:

Free Vaisnava Calendar Email Reminder Service
Website URL:

New service just launched - a Free Vaisnava Calendar Email Reminder Service (BETA) where devotees can sign up and receive automated location sensitive reminders of ekadasi's, festivals, appearance and disappearance days via email.

Festivals on the Vrindavan Calendar

Time Zones and Countries World-wide:
Free Downloadable Vaishnava Reminder for your Desktop
This Vaishnava Calendar Reminder is so simple, so nice and so practical
It has a huge data base of Towns to choose from, and facility to add towns too.
This can be used in conjunction with all other software and URLs mentioned above.

New version 0.55a of Vaishnava Reminder is ready for use. (updated March 2006) (Click HERE for more details)
Check it at the .

"This software aimed to be a personal information manager of anyone in Krishna's devotee community. Did you ever miss Ekadasi? With Vaishnava Reminder it will not be so easy - it alerts you about fasting days. Also it has built-in vaishnava calendar generator, to-do tasks, custom events, diary and panchang. And it is 100% free - just visit and download it. It quietly sits in the system tray and alerts you when needed."

Vaisnava Reminder v.0.501a setup - 520 kb

Once you've downloaded it and installed it, you'll never want to be without it, I have it on my machine.

Here's a few Vaishnava Calendar locations around the World friends asked for us to post !!

Panjikas (Calendars) for 2006 - 2007
Gaurabda 520

Adelaide - SA - Australia Hobart - Tasmania - Australia Munich - (Munchen)  - Germany
Amsterdam - Holland Hong Kong Murwillumbah - NSW - Australia
Atlanta - GA - USA Jakarta - Indonesia Muscat - Oman
Auckland - New Zealand Johannesburg - RSA New York - USA
Bangalore - India Kathmandu - Nepal Perth - WA - Australia
Bangkok - Thailand Katikati - BOP - New Zealand Singapore
Belgrade - Hungary Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia Suva - Fiji Islands
Boston - MA - USA Kuwait City  - Al kuwait - Kuwait Sydney - NSW - Australia
Brisbane  - Australia London - UK Toronto - Canada
Budapest - Serbia Los Angeles - CA - USA Trinidad & Tobago - West Indies
Calcutta - Kolkata - India Madras - (Chennai) - India Vrindavan (Sri Vrindavan Dham)- India
Christchurch - CHCH - New Zealand Malawi - Afrika Warsaw  - Poland
Delhi (New Delhi) India Manchester - UK Washington DC USA
Dubai - UAE Mauritius Wellington - New Zealand
Durban - RSA Mayapur - West Bengal - India Whakatane - New Zealand
Glasgow - Scotland Melbourne - VIC - Australia Whangamata - New Zealand
Hamilton - New Zealand Monte Video - Uruguay
Hawera - New Zealand Moscow - CIS - Russia
...just a few places where our readers are located.

Moonrise tool Free Download

Check the time of the Moon Rise locally in your area

Moonrise version 3.5 is a very simple to use, yet very accurate program. If you put it in your Startup folder, it will greet you everyday with the day's sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, and twilight times. You can easily see the next series of moon phases, and see a graphic of the current phase. You can find the same information for tomorrow, next week, forty years from now, or the day you were born with a few clicks of the mouse.

Moonrise is available in either 32 or 16 bit versions. You may download a free trial version from the download page.

You will need to enter the latitude, longitude and time zone for your location. If you don't know yours

Do you get the Hare Krishna Newsletter from Auckland?
If not send a message to Mother Madri to add yourself to their list:

See Auckland's latest newsletter HERE:

Christchurch Temple Times:

Wellington Temple Newsletter:

Gaura Yoga Centre (Wellington) newsletter:

...and across the ditch in Aus':
Brisbane temple newsletter
to subscribe -

Melbourne temple blog - Hare Krishna movement:

New Govardhan Newsletter (Murwillumbah)
contact Govinda Charan prabhu to subscribe -

Sydney Temple Newsletter:

Other Journals, Newsletters, & KC WeBlogs:
Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad's Blogspot - All letters:

Aisvarya prabhu's 'blog:

Aniruddha's blog: There's more comes out of the beadbag than just the finger...

Bala Gopala's Mrdanga (formerly Ekendra's Mrdanga)
This is my new journal where I hope to contribute something worth reading to the world. The inspiration for this comes from Nectar of Devotion wherein it is stated that to reveal one's mind in confidence is one of the loving exchanges between Vaisnavas. Ekendra dasa. run by devotees from Pandava sena in the UK,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/

Candidasa dasa' Deltaflow Blog

The Conch newsletter - Radha Giridhari temple Auckland (old) (The Auckland temple new site)
The Conch Newsletter is a subscription newsletter that is sent out in PDF format either as a printable attached file through e-mail, or hard-copy by snail mail. The newsletter is monthly, and compiled by Amrita-pani devi dasi in conjunction with the editorial advisor HH Mukunda Goswami.

Gauranga Sundara prabhu in Leicester (UK) Newsletter can be found at:
Current issue
Back issues and all future issues can be found at:

Gopala Guru prabhu's blog on MSN - Religious Worship; Ever wonder what's it like to live the life of a Hare Krishna monk?
Visit this Space to find out.:

Hare Krishna Cultural Journal - Krishna-Kirti dasa in USA - A commentary on the culture, views and progress of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

Indradyumna Swami's "Diary of a Travelling Preacher" blog:

ISKCON News.Net -  Blog Updates a compendium of news, with notices sent out by e-mail

Jayadvaita Swami's blog - satyam param dhimahi

Kavichandra Swami's Blog

Krishna conscious Podcasting

Kurma prabhu's Travel Diary Blog:
Hello there ! I have a new Blog (weblog) Travel Diary. Follow my very latest culinary travels: and click on the blog link right side of page.
Hope all is well with you. Happy cooking, Kurma

Prahladananda Swami's Health blog: On the road, Journal, Audio, Health, Photos etc

Rati Manjari mataji - Every Town & Village - newsletter, which consists of a collective contribution from preachers throughout the UK. To view or download it click the link below:

You may need to install the latest version of Adobe's Acrobat Reader:

Sit Properly dot com - go to extras 4 the blog - lots of useful info especially for new devotees throughout site

Vaishnava Blog Feeds

From the Virtual pen of Sita-pati dasa
News and views from Sita-pati dasa in Brisbane Australia.

Waves of Devotion | Journal - Writings and Realizations of His Holiness Dhanurdhara Swami

The International Society for Education in Krsna Consciousness has a Blog called Vaishnava Sanga which one can access from the ISEKC home page.

News stories, articles, comment, insights, features, and Vaisnava perspectives available on-line from

Vraj journal

Join Now 4 FREE

See the NEW Updated site (as of 20th March 2006)

If you would like to help our relief efforts donations may be given through the web, or the Auckland temple office can forward on your behalf, or see Iskcon Sri Lankan appeal below.

Your servant in Lord Krishna's service,

Thank you for your friendship, from FFL Global Director, Priyavrata das


click here to enter the FFL newsletter site

Please Support COTTAGE
( Children Of The Tsunami - Arts - Gifts - Education )

Festivals Coming Soon

Disappearance Day of Jayananda dasa Adhikari

Thursday 11th May in NZ

Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi - Appearance Day of Lord Narasimhadev

Fasting until Dusk

Friday 12th May 2006 in NZ

See you local temple to find out what's going on in your area and how to be part of it......

Visit Your Local Hare Krishna Temple
See a full NZ list of contacts HERE under Communities:

See the Kiwi yatra HERE:

Australian yatra here:

International here:

Iskcon World-wide @ a centre near you:

Words of Wisdom - Shastra & Shastrakaras speak

For Books and shastra downloads see Main Index, under Books:
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

The Complete Works of Srila Prabhupada
All the books, the letters and conversations at your fingertips

All Srila Prabhupada's books and more on one disk

Srila Prabhupada's Audio lectures to listen to on-line:

Listen to Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on-line - all 900 of his lectures are available HERE:

Srimad Bhagavatam - the entire lecture series listen and read along on-line - Narrated by Amala Bhakta dasa:

The new enhanced Prabhupada MP3 series

Visit "Prabhupada Connect" for all manner of Prabhupad Nectar:

Srila Prabhupada's Final Lesson Video - Downloadable and viewing on-line

All Srila Prabhupada's original books
available for sale here.

Download all the Hare Krsna teachings which includes all Vaisnava and
Vedic concepts by visiting one of the sites listed at the following address.

The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Srila Prabhupad Memorial Library

33 Books Online Including Srimad Bhagavatam!

 The compressed "self extracting" file mentioned is now currently available for download
Download or Listen to Prabhupad Bhajans HERE:

On-line 1972 McMillan edition - Bhagavad Gita As It Is:

Bhagavad Gita AS IT IS on-line through the Tirupathi Balaji site:

Bhagavad Gita Study guide on-line book:

Bhagavad Gita Study guides by numerous Iskcon devotees - FREE downloads:

All the Scriptures you'd ever need 4 FREE

last updated 4th August 2003

Srimad Bhagavad Gita AS IT IS

Bhagavad Gita:  Chapter 5 -  Karma-yoga : Action in Krsna Consciousness


                       yo 'ntah-sukho 'ntar-aramas
                        tathantar-jyotir eva yah
                         sa yogi brahma-nirvanam
                        brahma-bhuto 'dhigacchati


   yah--one who; antah-sukhah--happy from within;
   antah-aramah--actively enjoying within; tatha--as well as;
   antah-jyotih--aiming within; eva--certainly; yah--anyone; sah--he;
   yogi--a mystic; brahma-nirvanam--liberation in the Supreme;
   brahma-bhutah--being self-realized; adhigacchati--attains.


   One whose happiness is within, who is active and rejoices within,
   and whose aim is inward is actually the perfect mystic. He is
   liberated in the Supreme, and ultimately he attains the Supreme.

  PURPORT by His Divine Grace Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad:

   Unless one is able to relish happiness from within, how can one
   retire from the external engagements meant for deriving superficial
   happiness? A liberated person enjoys happiness by factual
   experience. He can, therefore, sit silently at any place and enjoy
   the activities of life from within. Such a liberated person no
   longer desires external material happiness. This state is called
   brahma-bhuta, attaining which one is assured of going back to
   Godhead, back to home.

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with permission.

Bhagavad Gita As It Is -

Bhaktivedanta Vedabase - Bhagavad Gita on-line

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Bhagavad-gita As It Is

Bhagavad Gita Multi Media Web-version

Listen to Bhagavad Gita on line -

View our Bhagavad Gita Overview:

Home Page:

Join Bhagavad Gita eGroups HERE

Prabhupada Uvacha:
(here's some nectar, sometimes it comes in the form of Srutakirti prabhu's diary, other times from Govinda dasi's diary, Hari Sauri prabhu's Transcendental Diary, or sometimes from a letter, or other related source, but still nectar...)

April 26th, 1976

From 6:30 A.M. to 7:30 A.M. Prabhupada took his morning walk around the Botanical Gardens. As we walked along the outer perimeter, Cittahari dasa asked if a devotee is always unhappy to see others suffering.

"Yes," Prabhupada replied, "this is Krsna anxiety. This kind of anxiety is welcome." He explained that in the material world people are in anxiety to get money and sex, but in the spiritual realm, the anxiety is to get Krsna. The anxiety is there, but the quality is different.

Cittahari inquired further, "If we're in anxiety that we cannot perform devotional service nicely, that is all right?"

Prabhupada explained that it is not so easy to become anxious for Krsna -- one can get such anxiety only after many, many millions of lives of pious activities. If one becomes full of anxiety for Krsna, that is the highest stage of perfection. He said that this stage cannot be imitated; however, by following the regulative principles one gradually comes to this platform.

Cittahari asked, "If one is in anxiety because he has a falling down from following the regulative principles, is that material anxiety?"

Srila Prabhupada said yes, anxiety for oneself is material, whereas anxiety for Krsna is spiritual. Smiling, he quoted Rupa Gosvami, who said that if one can purchase anxiety for Krsna one must do it at any price. But the price, he said ironically, is that one must be in anxiety to have it; that anxiety is not available even after millions of births of pious activities.

"So if we're performing the Deity worship and we get in anxiety, how to make it nice?" Cittahari asked.

"Yes, that is Krsna anxiety," Srila Prabhupada said. "If you become anxious how to worship Deity, how to dress Krsna nicely, that will develop your anxiety for Krsna. Therefore Deity worship is essential. Exactly in time to get up, to offer mangala-arati, to dress -- this anxiety is the beginning of Krsna anxiety. Then, when you become perfect, you'll always be anxious for Krsna. And that is perfectional stage. Therefore, by the injunction of the sastra, regulative, it is a way of creating that anxiety. So we must follow. Then we'll come to the real anxiety."

Another devotee asked if being in anxiety about whether he is distributing a lot of books or not is spiritual.

Again Prabhupada gave his confirmation. "For selling books anxiety is Krsna anxiety. If you become very anxious how to sell more books, that is Krsna anxiety. That is not trade anxiety; that is Krsna anxiety."

Gurukrpa Maharaja took advantage of the conversation to clear up a managerial point. "Some people say that 'When I go on sankirtana to sell books I become in too much anxiety if I'm not doing well, so I'd rather not do it.' "

But Prabhupada replied, "No, that is Krsna anxiety. He does not know. Let him know that that is Krsna anxiety. Mother Yasoda became mother of Krsna so that she would always remain in anxiety for Krsna; whether Krsna is safe. That is mother's anxiety. Therefore she became mother. How to become in Krsna anxiety? This philosophy nobody knows. Everyone takes Krsna as the father. Father means I'm anxiety-less: 'Father, you supply my wants.' And to become father of Krsna means to purchase anxiety for Krsna. This philosophy they do not know."

Prabhupada said that mother Yasoda is in constant anxiety for Krsna, wondering if He is safe, if some monkey is bothering Him, or if some demon is threatening. It is a transcendental irony that only the devotees can understand. The Mayavadis want santi, peace, but they cannot become anxiety-less. The anxiety should be purified from material contamination, and it should be only for Krsna.

- From the "A Transcendental Diary Vol 2" by HG Hari Sauri dasa

To receive little snippets of nectar like this on a daily basis subscribe HERE: or If you want to introduce anyone else in reading Srila Prabhupada Nectars, please send their eMail addresses to

Please Chant:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

...................and be Happy

Listen to Srila Prabhupad on-line
....a different lecture, morning walk, conversation or class daily.

"All Isms Equal Animalism"

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Morning Walk -- July 9, 1975, Chicago

Listen to the entire lecture on-line:

Prabhupada: ...that requires complete overhauling. This religion, that religion will not help. They have no idea what is spiritual knowledge. Everyone is hovering on the mental plane. [break] ...the principle of Ba'hai religion?

Jayatirtha: It was founded in Persia. It's a hodge-podge principle. (Prabhupada laughs)

Jagadisa: They think that everyone is evolving, that after taking this human life, you have to go to heaven. That's the next stage, even if you're the most sinful of all sinners.

Prabhupada: Oh. Even one is sinful, he will also go?

Jagadisa: Yes. Because they say that God is all-merciful, therefore...

Prabhupada: You can do whatever you like.

Brahmananda: God becomes the order-supplier.

Jayatirtha: They have a big temple.

Prabhupada: This is Ba'hai temple?

Jagadisa: No, no, it's back the other way.

Jayatirtha: It's much bigger than this building?

Jagadisa: Yes, it's quite a..., very nice. [break] (walking:)

Prabhupada: Hare Krsna. [break] ...buddhih kunape tri-dhatuke. So long one is in the bodily concept of life, he is animal. Will these people accept this? Hm?

Jayatirtha: They won't like to.

Prabhupada: Then?

Tamala Krsna: By our preaching we have to make them accept it.

Prabhupada: Yes. Actually that's a fact.

Sudama: We have to set an example for them to see.

Prabhupada: What is the example?


Listen to the entire lecture on-line:
or receive in mailbox and Subscribe HERE:
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© 2001 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with permission.


We are not concerned with any other movement save and except Krsna consciousness in its pure form. In India it is said that a little bit of a pure thing is much better than huge volumes of impure, adulterated things. So please try to follow this policy...

Srila Prabhupada to Brahmananda 1969

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"If you make a person believe he is his body then you can control him by threatening his body. But if that person belives he is soemthing other than his body then for the right reason he may be willing to risk physical harm and defy authority. "

"I read that in a conservative magazine in 1984. Maybe it was the National Review, some Sannyasi--maybe Guruprasada Swami had it--while they were travelling through Dallas. I don't remember. The author was, I think, a retired General." (Shyamasundara dasa)

Prayer to Lord Nrsimha

(from Sri Dasavatara-stotra, p. 97)

tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-srngam


keshava dhrta-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisa hare

"O Keshava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of
half-man, half-lion! All glories to You! Just as one can easily crush a wasp
between one's fingernails, so in the same way the body of the wasp like demon
Hiranyakashipu has been ripped apart by the wonderful pointed nails on Your
beautiful lotus hands."

"The fourth incarnation is Nåsiàhadeva. Nåsiàhadeva appeared to save Prahläda Mahäräja, who was five-years-old boy and he was being tortured by his atheistic father. So He appeared from the pillar of the palace as a half-man, half-lion. Because this Hiraëyakaçipu took benediction from Brahmä that he’ll not be killed by any man or any animal. So the Lord appeared neither man nor animal. This is the difference between the Lord’s intelligence and our intelligence. We are thinking that we can cheat the Lord by our intelligence, but the Lord is more intelligent than us. This Hiraëyakaçipu wanted to cheat Brahmä by indirect definition. First of all he wanted to become immortal. Brahmä said, “That is not possible because even I am not immortal. Nobody in this material world is immortal. That is not possible.” So Hiraëyakaçipu, the demon... The demons are very intelligent. He thought that “Round about way I shall become immortal.” He prayed to Brahmä that “Please give me the benediction that I shall not be killed by any man or any animal.” Brahmä said, “Yes, that is all right.” “I shall not be killed in the sky, on the water or on land.” Brahmä said, “Oh yes.” “I shall not be killed by any man-made weapons.” “That’s all right.” In this way he utilized his intelligence in so many ways just to come to the conclusion of being immortal. But the Lord is so cunning that He kept intact all the benediction given by Brahmä, still he was killed. He said that “I’ll not be killed either during daytime or night.” Brahmä said “Yes.” So he was killed just in the evening, just in the junction of day and night. You cannot say it is day or night. He took the benediction that “I shall not be killed in the sky, on the water, on the land.” So he was killed on His lap. He took the benediction that “I shall not be killed by any man-made or any God-made weapons.” That was given, “All right.” So he was killed by the nails. In this way, all the benedictions were kept intact, still he was killed. Similarly, we may make plan, we may make very advancement in scientific knowledge, but the killing process of nature will be there. Nobody can escape. By our intelligence we cannot escape. The four principles of material existence means birth, death, old age and disease. We can manufacture many medicines, many weapons, many means, many methods, but you cannot escape these four principles of material existence, however great you may be. That was proved by Hiraëyakaçipu. Hiraëyakaçipu was one of the stalwart materialistic and he wanted to live forever, enjoy, but he also could not live. Everything was finished" (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. 18th February 1970. Class on Sri Varaha-dwadasi purporting the Dasavatar-stotra - Ten main incarnations of the Lor. Los Angeles.)

Courtesy of used with permission

Lord Nåsiàhadeva’s Appearance Day
Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Çrémad-Bhägavatam 7.5.22-34. Los Angeles, May 27, 1972,


Prabhupäda: So today, appearance day of Lord Nåsiàhadeva. Lord Nåsiàhadeva appeared on this Nåsiàha Cäturdaçé on account of His devotee, Prahläda. As it is stated in the Bhagavad-gétä, yadä yadä hi dharmasya glänir bhavati bhärata, abhyutthänam adharmasya [Bg. 4.7]. Pariträëäya sädhünäà vinäçäya ca duñkåtäà, sambhavämi yuge yuge [Bg. 4.8]. The Lord appears with two purposes. Pariträëäya sädhünäm: just to give protection and rescue the devotees, and to kill the demons, vinäçäya ca duñkåtäm. So Prahläda Mahäräja, five-years-old boy, his only fault was that he was Kåñëa conscious. He was devotee of Kåñëa. That was his only fault. And the father was so unkind to a child, even five years old. He could not excuse, “Oh, let this boy do whatever, chanting Hare Kåñëa.” No. The demons are so much against God consciousness that even at his home he would not allow his own child to become God conscious. This is demoniac civili... So you’ll find many critics, many enemies, because you are making progress in Kåñëa consciousness. So the demons are always against this Kåñëa consciousness movement. That is the whole history. Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he was crucified. What was his fault? He was preaching God consciousness, that’s all. This society is so cruel. So Prahläda Mahäräja was tortured in so many ways. The torturing methods, I think you will find as you will see in today’s picture, how Prahläda Mahäräja was tortured.
So one day, Hiraëyakaçipu... After all, he was his son. Affection was there. So one day, Hiraëyakaçipu asked the boy,

prahrädänücyatäà täta
svadhétaà kiïcid uttamaà
yad açikñäd guror bhavän
 [SB 7.5.22]

So he asked his son, “My dear son, what you have learned? The best thing, what you have learned from your teachers, so you kindly let me know.” So Prahläda Mahäräja informed that “I have learned like this.” What is that?

çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù
smaraëaà päda-sevanam
arcanaà vandanaà däsyaà
sakhyam ätma-nivedanam

iti puàsärpitä viñëau
bhaktiç cen nava-lakñaëä
kriyeta bhagavaty addhä
tan manye ’dhétam uttamam
 [SB 7.5.23-24]

Tan manye ’dhétam uttamam: one who is engaged in the matter of hearing about Viñëu, çravaëaà kértanamviñëoù. We are engaged in hearing and talking and chanting about so many things non-Viñëu. Just like you’ll find thousands of, millions of different types of magazines sold in your country, in all countries. Some of the magazines are sex literature, some cinema literature, some this literature, that... So many different types. There is one paper I have seen, “Diabetes Literature.” There are many patients of diabetes, so they have formed a society, “Diabetic Society.” I have seen it. (laughter) And there are many diabetic patients, they are being hoaxed, that “You pay two dollars per year, and you get all information how to protect yourself from diabetes disease.” So in America two dollars is nothing, but it is collecting millions and millions of dollars, Diabetic Society. Diabetic magazine. So that sort of hearing and chanting is not needed. We are not interested in all these magazines, because we are followers of Prahläda Mahäräja. He’s our äcärya. He’s guru. Prahläda Mahäräja’s guru is Närada, and Närada is also our guru. Närada is guru of Vyäsadeva. So we are a branch, but the original guru is Närada, Brahma-sampradäya. So Prahläda Mahäräja is also a disciple of Närada Muni.
So he teaches that çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù [SB 7.5.23]. We have to hear and talk and chant about Viñëu. Çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù smaraëaà päda-sevanam. To remember Him always, to worship His lotus feet, päda-sevanam. Arcanam, temple worship, to keep the Deity nicely worshiped, offer foodstuff, ärati, this is called arcanaà. Vandanam, offering prayers. Just like we offer prayer, govindam ädi-puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi **. These are prayers. There are so many prayers. Keçava-dhåta buddha-çaréra, keñava-dhåta narahari-rüpa. These are all prayers. This is also part of devotional service.

çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù
smaraëaà päda-sevanam
arcanaà vandanaà däsyaà
 [SB 7.5.23]

Arcanaà vandanaà däsyam. To be always in service of the Lord, däsyaà; sakhyam, to make friendship with Him, to consider Kåñëa as your friend. He says... Even if I do not say that He’s my friend, He says, “I am friend of everyone.” Suhådaà sarva-bhütänäm [Bg. 5.29]. He’s friend of everyone. We don’t want His friendship, but He wants our friendship. He wants us to go back to home, Godhead; we don’t want. So He is more anxious to take us, exactly like the father is more affectionate than the son. That’s a fact. So He’s the supreme father. So He wants that we may be happy, and therefore He comes to show us. He sends His representative, son. He leaves behind Him books so that we may go back to home, back to Godhead. So, sakhyam. He’s always sitting with me, within my heart. I am in the heart, and Paramätmä is also within the heart as friend to give me advice that “Why you are bothering in this material world? Please come back to home, back to Me.” This is going on. Sakhyam ätma-nivedanam. Ätma-nivedanam means fully surrendered. So there are examples of devotees who, sarvätma-nivedanam. Just like Bali Mahäräja. He gave everything to Kåñëa, even his body, everything, whatever, his kingdom, money, everything.
So Prahläda Mahäräja says, iti puàsärpitä viñëau bhaktiç cen nava-lakñaëä. All these items means hearing. Hearing about Viñëu, chanting about Kåñëa, giving everything to Viñëu, offering prayers to Viñëu, offering arcana, temple worship, Viñëu. In this way Prahläda Mahäräja summarizes that “Anyone who is doing like this, everything about Viñëu...” iti puàsärpitä viñëau bhaktiç cen nava-lakñaëä, “this nine kinds of different devotional services,” kriyeta bhagavatay addhä, “directly to the Supreme Personality of Godhead,” tan manye ’dhétam uttamam, “I think he is the best learned man in the world. He is the most learned.” Tan manye ’dhétam. “He has studied everything very nicely.” Actually, that is the fact. Jïäna, knowledge Knowledge means to know Kåñëa, God, and the Vedic injunction is, yasmin vijïäte sarvam evaà vijïätaà bhavanti. If you understand the Supreme Lord, then you understand everything. You haven’t got to study differently different subject matters. Just like we sometimes talk of science, of astronomy, economics, politics. We talk sometimes. But we are not going to, or we didn’t study all the subject matter separately. But in course of our studying Kåñëa consciousness, we know something of everything. So Prahläda Mahäräja says, tan manye adhétam uttamam: “One who is engaged in these nine kinds of devotional services directly...” So Prahläda Mahäräja recommends, kriyeta bhagavaty addhä tan manye ’dhétam uttamam.

niçamyaitat suta-vaco
hiraëyakaçipus tadä
guru-putraà cedaà ruñä

As soon as he heard, “Oh, what this nonsense boy is speaking?” he became so angry that sphuritädharaù. When one becomes angry, his lips vi..., I mean to say, jumps. What is called? Quiver, yes. So he became so angry that it is said, sphuritädharaù. (He) immediately called his teacher. He’s king... Because he thought, “The rascal teachers, they have taught him like this. I have entrusted the boy to the teachers, to brähmaëas, and they have taught this Kåñëa consciousness. So call him. Otherwise, how is that this small boy, five years old only, he’s talking just like a great saint? So call his teacher!”

brahma-bandho kim etat
te vipakñaà çrayatäsatä
asäraà grähito bälo
mäm anädåtya durmate

Hiraëyakaçipu became bitterest enemy of Viñëu because his brother Hiranyakña, he was killed by Viñëu taking the shape of Varäha. You know the story. Since then, Hiraëyakaçipu was bitterest enemy. “Oh, He has, Viñëu has killed my brother. So He is my greatest enemy.” So he won’t hear anything about Viñëu. Any Viñëu devotee, he will punish him, even his own son. That was his policy. So he immediately called him, the teachers, and addressed him,

brahma-bandho kim etat te
vipakñam çrayatäsatä
asäraà grähito bälo
mäm anädåtya durmate

So here... Teachers are generally brähmaëas. Not generally. To become teacher is the business of the brähmaëas. Brähmaëa means they have got six kinds of... Everyone must have livelihood. This material world is that you must work; otherwise you cannot get your livelihood. That is the law, whatever you may be. So the brähmaëas’ means of livelihood, six things: paöhana päöhana yajana yäjana däna pratigraha. Paöhana means he must be a very learned scholar, study the Vedic literature, and must teach others also. That is brähmaëa’s business. And in that way, whatever the disciples bring, that is his income. No salary, no contract, that “If you pay me hundred dollars or five hundred dollars weekly, then I can teach you.” No. There is no such contract. Teaching is free. It is the business of a brähmaëa to give free education to everyone. Now, it is the... Just like in our institution, I am your teacher, but there is no such contract that you have to pay me. But you pay me more than anything. So paöhana päöhana, that is the means of livelihood of brähmaëa. And kñatriya, they are kings. They can levy tax of the citizens because they are giving protection from being hurt by others. Kñatriya means one who gives protection (to) a man being hurt by others. That is the real root meaning. Kñatriya. And vaiçya means they should, kåñi-gorakñya-väëijyam, they should engage themselves in producing foodstuff, foodgrains, kåñi, protect cows. Especially gorakñya. As the king is meant for giving protection to the man, similarly, a vaiçya is supposed to give protection to the cows, or they keep cows and produce milk products. They are vaiçya. And çüdra, simply service. So these are the different types of employment of different kinds of social order. And a king, the king has to see that everyone is employed. Not that hundreds of people are unemployed, and government has to give welfare, subsidy. Not like that. The king’s duty is that everyone is independently earning his livelihood. That is king’s duty.
So here the teachers are addressed here brahma-bandho. Brahma-bandho means a person who is born by a brähmaëa father but is not acting as a brähmaëa. He’s called brahma-bandho, dvéja-bandhu. Dvéja-bandhu, one who is born of a, actually born of a brähmaëa father, but he’s not acting as a brähmaëa. So Hiraëyakaçipu addressed the teachers brahma-bandho, not brähmaëa. “Because you are untrustworthy. I gave you, I entrusted you with my son to be taught, and you have taught him this Kåñëa consciousness. So against my will...” He says practically, brahma-bandho kim etat te vipakñaà çrayatäsatä: “I entrusted my child for being educated by you, and you have instigated him to speak in favor of my enemy, Viñëu? Viñëu is my enemy. How is that?” Asäraà grähito bälo mäm anädåtya durmate. “This rascal boy, he does not care for me, and he has learned this Kåñëa consciousness, and you have taught him. How is that?”

santi hy asädhavo loke
durmaiträç chadma-veçiëaù
teñäà udety aghaà käle
rogaù pätakinäm iva

“So I think these demigods who are followers of Viñëu, they are coming in disguise and poisoning my son by teaching Kåñëa consciousness, and you did not take care of him. So what is this?”
Then the teachers replied,

na mat-praëétaà na para-praëétaà
suto vadaty eña tavendra-çatro
naisargikéyaà matir asya räjan
niyaccha manyuà kad adäù sma mä naù

They said, “My dear King, don’t think we have taught him like this. It is not... I know, it is not our duty to teach him against your will. But his Kåñëa consciousness is not due to our teaching; neither somebody is coming in disguise and teaching him.” Na mat-praëétaà na para-praëétam. “He is neither taught by us, nor by anyone else.” Suto vadaty eña tavendra-çatro. Indra-çatro. The enemy... The Hiraëyakaçipu is the enemy of the demigods; therefore he is addressed as Indra-çatro. As he addressed the brähmaëa, brahma-bandho, so they retaliated also, that “You are enemy of the demigods.” Naisargikéyam, “By nature he is doing that. We try to forbid him. We try to stop him chanting Hare Kåñëa, but still he’s doing.” Matir asya räjan niyaccha manyuà kad adäù sma mä. “You don’t be angry upon us. We never did it.” So... “He is, by his own nature he chants, he preaches, he’s doing all this.”

guruëaivaà pratiprokto
bhüya ähäsuraù sutaà
na ced guru-mukhéyaà te
kuto ’bhadräsaté matiù

Then he again asked his son, “Now I understand that your teacher has not taught you all these things. You rascal, where you have learned all this Kåñëa consciousness?” (laughter) Abhadra. Kuto abhadräsaté matiù: “Wherefrom you got this rascal wisdom? Tell me.” So this is the position, you see. Even father becomes enemy.
Now, Prahläda Mahäräja is replying. Prahläda Mahäräja is replying,

matir na kåñëe parataù svato vä
mitho ’bhipadyeta gåha-vratänäm
adänta-gobhir viçatäà tamisraà
punaù punaç carvita-carvaëänäm
 [SB 7.5.30]

“My dear father, don’t be afraid. It is not a thing to be taught.” Matir na kåñëe. “Nobody can become Kåñëa conscious,” matir na kåñëe parato, “being taught by others,” matir na kåñëe parataù svato vä, “or by mental speculation or thinking oneself,” mitho ’bhipadyeta, “or by making conference meeting, religious meeting, conference.” No. Three things. One thing is to learn Kåñëa consciousness by speculative method, self-realization. Just like so many people are very much interested that “Why shall I go to a guru? I can realize myself. I shall meditate.” So that is called svataù. And parataù means by others’ instruction. And mitho, mitho means by assembly. So who? Now, gåha-vratänäm. If one is gåha-vratä... There are two things: gåhastha and gåha-vratä, or gåhamedhi. “So those who are gåha-vratä...” because he is pointing out his father’s position, that he’s gåha-vratä. He has no other business. He simply wants to get money, hiraëya. Hiraëya means gold, and kaçipu, a nice apartment. That’s all. So he says that gåha-vratänäm, “If one makes it his point to remain in a comfortable home life, for him, either by speculation or by teaching or by meeting, he’ll never develop Kåñëa consciousness.” Gåha-vratänäm. Then what is their position? Now, adänta-gobhir viçatäà tamiñram: “They are unable to control their senses, and as such, they are entering into the darkest region of material existence.” Punaù punaç carvita-carvaëänäm: [SB 7.5.30] “Their only business is chewing the chewed.” They have no other ways. Gåha-vratänäm, those who want to be happy materially, actually they are chewing the chewed. Material happiness means sex life, ultimate, utmost, topmost happiness. So people are simply trying to, how to utilize this sex life in so many ways, in pictures and in... I do not wish to discuss. In dancing, in club, in so many ways. Because they cannot control the senses. The same thing, same thing, the same sex life in different way. Sometimes a naked dance, sometimes in this way, sometimes in that way. Therefore it is called punaù punaç carvita-carvaëänäm [SB 7.5.30]. I have heard that some people go to Florida and they spend fifty thousand dollars per week for organizing naked dance. So naked woman he has seen so many times, but still he spends more money to see it in a different way. That is called punaù punaç carvita-carvaëänäm [SB 7.5.30], “chewing the chewed.”
So persons who are too much attached to sense gratification, and they have made it their conclusion that “We shall be happy within our family life or this social life...” Vidyäpati sings, tätala saikate väri-bindu sama suto-mita-ramané-samäj(?). Our society means... Society, friendship, and love. There must be woman, must be children, suto-mita-ramané-samäje. So there is some pleasure, undoubtedly. Otherwise, why people are working so hard to stick to this position? Vidyäpati sings that tätala saikate väri-bindu sama suto-mita-ramané-samäj(?). There is undoubtedly some pleasure, but that pleasure is so insignificant that it can be compared: a drop of water on the desert. Desert, if you want to utilize desert to make it a garden or productive field, you have to pour water. The whole ocean water you have to pour there. Now, if somebody says, “All right, you want water. Now take this one drop water,” then what it will do? Similarly, our heart is hankering after so many things. We are hankering... Actually we are hankering after Kåñëa, but we do not know. We are trying to satisfy our hankering in so many ways in material life. Actually we are hankering after Kåñëa. Just like a small child, it is crying. It cannot express, but it is wanting the mother’s breast feeding. So you cannot stop him crying unless it is transferred to the mother. Similarly, actually we love Kåñëa. That is a fact. Because we love Kåñëa... Therefore you, who did not hear even the name of Kåñëa, say, four or five years ago, why you after so much Kåñëa? This is the proof, that actually we are after Kåñëa. This Kåñëa consciousness movement is being accepted in Western countries by the younger generation. Why? Because every one of us, we love Kåñëa. But it is now covered by mäyä. We have to simply take out the covering, mäyä; then we are Kåñëa conscious.
That is explained in the Caitanya-caritämåta,

nitya-siddha kåñëa-bhakti ‘sädhya’ kabhu naya
çravaëädi-çuddha-citte karaye udaya

That Kåñëa consciousness is not an artificial thing, that we are making some propaganda on Kåñëa consciousness, publishing some books, magazines, and our preachers are going place to place. No, there are so many propaganda is going on. But they are not so effective. And our, what means we have got to make propaganda? We simply make this propaganda, “Please chant Hare Kåñëa.” That’s all. Of course, we do sincerely. So if we propagate sincerely and seriously, as Caitanya Mahäprabhu has ordered, yäre dekha, täre kaha ‘kåñëa’ upadeça... [Cc. Madhya 7.128]. We must be sincere. Then, if we canvass, “Please chant Hare Kåñëa,” it will be effective. It will be effective. The business is not very serious or very difficult. Caitanya Mahäprabhu says, yäre dekha, täre kaha ‘kåñëa’... “Anyone you meet, you simply request him about hearing about Kåñëa.” So... But if one is so much covered by materialistic enjoyment, it takes little time. It takes little time. Otherwise, automatically there is love for Kåñëa, and çravaëädi-çuddha-citte...
Therefore Prahläda Mahäräja says, çravaëam. If we hear about Kåñëa constantly, through realized souls, not professional—if we hear, satäà prasaìgän mama vérya-saàvido [SB 3.25.25]—then automatically, our dormant Kåñëa consciousness come out. So Prahläda Mahäräja says, therefore, that “Those who are determined to become happy within this material world, they cannot be raised to Kåñëa consciousness either by personal teaching or by making conference or by mental speculation.” That is not possible, because he is determined. So our duty is that we should know that in the materialistic way of life we shall never be happy. This is called knowledge. And vairägya. So this vairägya and knowledge is not so easy. Prahläda Mahäräja says, adänta-gobhir viçatäà tamisram: it is not possible. That means he assures his father, “Don’t be worried. You will never be Kåñëa conscious. (laughter) Because your only aim is to stick to home and money and women. Therefore rest assured, you’ll not be ... It is not that a person like you will be raised to Kåñëa consciousness.” Then? How you have done? The next question should be: Why they are sticking to this materialistic way of life?
That is answered by Prahläda, na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëum [SB 7.5.31]. “These persons, those who are so much materially attached, they do not know the ultimate goal of life is Viñëu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viñëu.” That is actually the ultimate goal of life. We are here in this material world, forgetting Kåñëa, to enjoy, to lord it over the material nature. Everyone is trying to become the lord, master of material... That is struggle. Nobody can become lord or master of this material world. But that struggle to become master, they are taking it happiness. They are taking it happiness. That is the nature of persons who are influenced by the modes of passion. They’ll work hard, and that will, they will take it is very good, pleasing. Because they do not know that the... Na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëuà duräçayä ye bahir-artha-mäninaù [SB 7.5.31]. They are hoping against hope to become happy within this material world. That is the whole history. Take the history, any history, modern history. There are so many empires: the Roman Empire, the Carthaginian Empire, the Greek Empire, the British Empire recently, Hitler’s Nazism, and so many. For some time they become very powerful. Just like Hiraëyakaçipu, he’s now very powerful. He’s thinking, “Nobody can...” Now today he’ll be killed. Keçava-dhåta narahari rüpa is coming. So this demonic civilization will never be successful. That’s a fact. But they are so fool, they do not see even historical evidences. So many empires failed. The Roman Empire failed, the British Empire failed. Still, somebody is trying to create another empire, another, different empire. Just like your President Nixon, he’s trying to influence all other nations under his control. Why? Of course, I should not speak all these things. There may be criticism. But that is the way, going on. That is the way. We can understand. We can understand politics, economics, everything, but we do not bother about. But our aim is that this way of life, to increase materially happiness, it will never be successful. That is our conclusion. We are not fools that we have given up everything for advance in Kåñëa consciousness. Because we know that this, this way we shall never be happy. It is not possible.
That is explained by Prahläda Mahäräja. These rascal people who are so much materially attached... Kåñëa also says in the Bhagavad-gétä,

vyavasäyätmikä buddhiù
samädhau na nigacchati
 [Bg. 2.44]

Those who are too much attached, bhoga, material enjoyment, aiçvarya, material opulence ... Bhogaiçvarya-prasaktänäà tayäpahåta-cetasäm. Persons whose heart has been misled by this kind of civilization, they cannot take to Kåñëa consciousness. Therefore to become too much materially opulent is a disqualification for attaining Kåñëa consciousness. It is a disqualification. Because they don’t care. Just like in our temple, not very rich men, they are coming, because they (say,) “What is this nonsense, Kåñëa consciousness? We have got everything. These boys, they haven’t got to eat anything; therefore they are chanting Hare Kåñëa on the street. That’s all.” They think like that. “They’re needy. All right, they are needy. Give them some money.” That’s all. They don’t like to take anything from us because the same business, matir na kåñëe parataù svato vä. They’ll never understand, because their aim is grha-vratanam. They want to be happy... Although they are seeing there is no happiness, they never can be happy, still... This is called punaù punaç carvita-carvanänäm [SB 7.5.30], chewing the chewed. One, the sugarcane, is chewed by somebody. It is thrown away. And if somebody else comes and chew it again, what juice he will have it? So punaù punaç carvita... Na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëuà [SB 7.5.31]. Duräçayä ye duräçayä viñaya väsé (reads Sanskrit commentary) tantraya käraëaà te hi viñëuà na viduù. Tatra hetu svasminn eva arthe puruñartha yeñäà teñäà gatià grämyaà. Na tu te ’pi guru pati syät viñëu jïäsyasi tatra bhak bahir viñaye bahavo yeñäà te bahir arthas tann eva guru tena mantra çélaà yeñäà te.
So one who is fixed up in this conclusion, that “We shall become happy with this materialistic way of life,” they cannot take to Kåñëa consciousness. And they do not know also that our ultimate goal of life is Kåñëa, Viñëu. Then why it is so? Now, andhä yathändhair upanéyamänäs te ’péça-tantryäm uru-dämni baddhäù. They have become blind. They are blind themselves, and they are also led by blind leaders. The leaders, at the present moment, leaders, they say that “Why you are going to church? Why you are going to temple? If you want your bread...” Just like in Christian religion you go to church, “O God, give us our daily bread.” But the atheist class, they are propagating, “For bread, why you are going to church? You make industry, you make business, and you get bread.” But actually... We were just talking that there are so many unemployment. Our Karandhara prabhu was... No. Who was talking? Çyämasundara. Çyämasundara said that the computer... What is called, computer? It can do thousands of men’s business. So they have discovered this machine. That means thousands of men will be unemployed. That is actually happening in your country due to so many machines. Now, take for example, formerly... You have seen the picture, Kåñëa, Våndävana picture, Kåñëa’s father transferring Kåñëa. They were going on bullock carts, no motorcar. You have seen the picture. So formerly, transport was bullock carts. The cows and the bulls, the bulls were employed for agricultural purpose, for drawing the carts. So there was no necessity of motorcar. Now you have got motor, motor-tractor. You don’t want the bullocks. Therefore kill them. How you can utilize them? Therefore you must have slaughterhouse to kill them. And as soon as you kill them, then you have to eat them. So this is the, I mean to say, entanglement. If you kill, then you become responsible for being killed. The subtle laws...
Therefore, without knowing our ultimate goal of life is Viñëu, na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëum... [SB 7.5.31]. That is our interest. The human form of life is offered by nature after so much evolutionary process. Just to understand Viñëu, God, this is the only business. But instead of attending our real business, we are trying to be happy in other ways. Then you can say that “If we are engaged in real business, then how the economic question will be solved? We have to work.” That’s all right, you work. But work simple. Why you have invented so much botheration? Work is there. If you have cows and if you have got land, then you till the land, get grains, and there is milk, there is fruit, there is flower. Anywhere, you can live peacefully. Whole economic question is solved. And because we have forgotten, we have missed the real point, that our life is meant for God-realization. We are simply increasing botheration. Punaù punaç carvita. Adänta-gobhir viñatäà tamisram. Andhä yathändhair upanéyamänäù. The leaders are blind; we are also blind. So they are advising that “If you want to solve your economic problem, why you are going to church? Why you are going to temple? Come here, increase business, industry. Take loan and start business.” That’s all. This is going on. But actually, the more we are trying to mislead this people... Because they are thinking it is all right. They are... That the social condition is becoming more and more grave. That’s a fact. We are trying to solve one problem, but many other problems are coming because we do not know what is the ultimate goal of life. Because we are missing the real point.
Therefore Prahläda Mahäräja said, na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëuà duräçayä ye bahir-artha-mäninaù [SB 7.5.31]. These rascals, they are thinking that by so-called economic development, by exploiting material resources, we shall be happy. That is not possible. The best example your country has given. You have exploited the material resources, and other countries are also following, but where is the happiness? Instead of happiness, there is “hippyness.” (laughter) So still, they have no eyes to see that “Where we are going?” Adänta-gobhir viçatäà tamisram punaù punaç carvita-carvanänäm [SB 7.5.30]. Because we cannot control our senses, we are driving, we are being pushed towards the darkest region of material existence, very hard to leave. Darkest region means that we are going to become animals next life. Because this is animalistic civilization. Nature gave us the opportunity to realize God, but God-realization is meant for human being. The human being, if he does not realize God, he’s simply engaged in animalistic way of life—eating, sleeping, mating—then nature will call, “All right, sir, again become animal.” Punar müñiko bhava: “Again become a mouse.” You know this story? Punar müñiko bhava. There is a story. There is a very nice story. One rat, mouse, he came to a saintly person. Everyone comes to saintly person for some blessing, you see. Real blessing they don’t want. Some material blessing. Real blessing, Kåñëa, they don’t want. If you give him some blessing that “You become very rich man and...” These are all very well, this. So this mouse also came and begged the saintly person, “Sir, I am in difficulty. If you give me some blessing?”
“What is that?”
“The cat chases after me always. I’m very unhappy.”
“So what do you want?”
“Now, if you make me a cat, then I can get relief from this thing.”
“All right, you become cat.” So he became cat.
So after few days, again he comes. “Sir, again I am in trouble.”
“What is that?”
“The dog is chasing me.” (laughter) Don’t laugh, hear seriously. “Dog is chasing me.”
“All right, then, what do you want?”
“Now, make me a tiger.”
“All right, you become a tiger.”
So when he became a tiger he was staring on the saintly person like this.
So he asked, “Why you are staring upon me? You want to eat me?”
So he again curses, punar müñiko bhava: “Again you become mouse. Again you become mouse.”
So that is our position. We are advanced in civilization. Now we want to kill God. So we are again going to be uncivilized, to remain in the forest and to remain naked. Actually, they are practicing that: nature’s way. So again they are going to be aborigines. And that is being practiced. They are going to the forest, they remain naked. So actually, punar müñiko bhava: “Again become mouse.” Civilized human being means God conscious, happy life, no trouble, no enviousness, everything happy, no hard labor. Why hard labor? Everything is there. You just employ your little intelligence, you get sufficient food by grains, by fruits, by flowers, milk. There is no difficulty if we remain in our own way. So that is the difficulty, that we do not know that our ultimate goal of life is God-realization. Then God has got all arrangement. You cannot produce fruits and grains in factory. They are given by God. Why? That “You eat them and be Kåñëa conscious, chant Hare Kåñëa.” But we don’t want that. We want slaughterhouse, unnecessarily. Actually, if you go to the store... There are so many stores. How many stores are selling only meat? It is not possible. Ninety-nine percent fruits, vegetables, grains you are taking, and maybe a little percentage of meat. So why you cannot give up this little percentage? If you think that meat is very palatable, why don’t you live on meat? Russia is also trying like that. That has become the fashion. In Moscow, it was very difficult to find out nice grains. With great difficulty Çyämasundara used to spend two hours daily to secure these things.
So this is the problem. Na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëuà durañçayä ye bahir-artha mäninaù [SB 7.5.31]. They are trying to be happy by the arrangement of these material activities. Andhä yathändhair upanéyamänäs te ’péça-tantryäm. They do not know that the material nature is so strong that you cannot get out of it unless you are prepared to suffer more and more. If you take to natural life and live peacefully and take to Kåñëa consciousness, that is your real life. And if you simply increase botheration and problems, then you’ll have to suffer. That is the position of modern civilization. Actually, superficially we see that material advancement of material science, people have got so many machines, so many facilities. But actually, they are in trouble. Just like I gave you one example: the computer machine. It can work for thousands of men. So thousands of men means the thousands of men must be unemployed. And especially in your country, they are taking advantage of this machine because the salary is If you want to pay to the worker, a big, big salary. So they want to save. They are taking machine, and they think they will save money, so many workers. But the workers are becoming unemployed. The government has to give them welfare. The government will tax. That’s all. (laughter.) Government will not give money, welfare, from government’s pocket. The government will increase your taxation. So you are..., you stop payment by importing some machine, now you have to pay that money to the government. This is called entanglement. This is a crude example. I don’t say that you stop all this business, but the material world is like that. You want to solve something; instead of solving, you’ll create so many problems. This is material life. Because our life is not meant for solving problems and creating problems. Our life is meant for understanding God. Then everything is all right. But that you have given up.

na te viduù svärtha-gatià hi viñëuà
duräçayä ye bahir-artha-mäninaù
andhä yathändhair upanéyamänäs
te ’péça-tantryäm uru-dämni baddhäù
 [SB 7.5.31]

They do not know that you cannot go an inch beyond the stringent laws of material nature. That is not possible.
Then the next question is that how... People are not interested in Kåñëa consciousness, and then, they are misled by blind leaders. So how, what is the solution? That is Prahläda Mahäräja saying,

naiñäà matis tävad urukramäìghrià
spåçaty anarthäpagamo yad-arthaù
mahéyasäà päda-rajo-’bhiñekaà
niñkiïcanänäà na våëéta yävat

Therefore one has to take shelter of a pure devotee. That is the only solution. He says, naiñäà matis tävad urukramäìgrhim. The beginning was that “They are not interested in Kåñëa consciousness.” Then how to become Kåñëa conscious if that is the solution? Then Prahläda Mahäräja says, naiñäà matis tävad: “So long one does not approach a pure devotee,” mahéyasäà niñkiïcanänäm, “great personalities, who has no more any material interest,” niñkiïcana, “and takes the dust of his lotus feet on the head...” Naiñäà matis tävad urukramäìghrim: “So long one does not approach such personality, there is no possibility of becoming Kåñëa conscious.” Naiñäà matis tävad urukramäìghrim. As soon as one approaches the pure devotee and takes the dust of his lotus feet and puts it on his head, immediately, anartha apagamaù, he’ll be freed from all this nonsense. That means he’ll forget this idea that “Materially we can advance.” This is the process. So we have to approach a niñkiïcana, who has nothing to do with this material world. His only ambition is to serve more Kåñëa. And if somebody approaches him and takes the dust of his lotus feet, then he can understand. Mahéyasäà päda-rajo-’bhiñekaà niñkiïcanänäà na våëéta yävat. (aside:) Our time is over? All right.
So in this way Prahläda Mahäräja talked with his father, and the father became more angry. Instead of taking the lesson ... Mürkhäya upadeça hi prakopäya na çäntaye. If you teach lesson to a foolish person, he’ll be simply angry. He’ll not take your lesson. How it is so? Payaù-pänaà bhujaìgänäà kevalaà viña-vardhanam. If you keep a snake and if you want to make friendly behavior with him, that, “My dear snake, don’t bite any more. I’ll give you milk and banana. You eat here and stay here nicely,” he’ll not... His poison will increase, and one day he will... There is a story in the Hitopadeça: one day, one... The same thing. So payaù-pänaà bhujaìgänäà kevalaà viña-vardhanam. So these are lessons, stories. So his father, Hiranyakasipu, became more and more angry. So one day... Because after all, son and father... The son was simple boy. So one day he said, “Prahläda, I shall now kill you. I shall see how your Kåñëa saves you.” So immediately, Prahläda was seeing to the pillars of the hall. He was king. So Hiraëyakaçipu asked him, “Is your God, Kåñëa, in the pillar?” He said, “Yes, sir. Yes, my father, He is there.” So immediately, with anger he broke the pillar and Nåsiàhadeva came out.
Now we can honor Him. (end)

(Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Çrémad-Bhägavatam 7.5.22-34. Los Angeles, May 27, 1972. )
Courtesy of used with permission

For more information on the Narasimha Avatara of Vishnu:

Pictures of the Narasimha and other avataras:
Mantras to Lord Narasimha
Nrisimha Kavacha - shield: of both Brahma and Prahlad maharaj:
108 Names of Narasimha for yajas - homa - havan
Sri Narasimha Nakha Stuti:

The Nrisimha story

Take a mini-pilgrimage to Mathura and Vrindavan on-line - you will not be disappointed:

The wonders of Vraja Mandala Parikrama

Take a Transcendental Pilgrimage here to many sacred places

Sacred places in India

Where to stay in Sri Vrindavan Dham?

(MVT) Mayapur  - Vrindavan Trust Guest House
MVT - Bhaktivedanta Ashram, Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg,
Raman Reti, Vrindavana - 281 124 (U.P.) INDIA
Tel: (0091)-565-2540050, 2540078, 2540079
Fax: (0091)-565-2540073

Dhananjaya dasa ACBSP

Sadhana Kunj Guest House (beside MVT)
Raman Reti, Vrindavan Dham 281 124

ph: 0091 - 565 2540670

Madhu Kanta dasa

Pictures of Prabhupad in Australia and Indonesia:

taken by Amogha prabhu ACBSP

Prabhupad photo gallery - US:
compiled by Srinandanandana prabhu ACBSP

Prabhupad in Vrindavan picture Gallery

Krishna Balaram temple and huge amount of links to all Vrindavan sites

Krishna Balaram mandir Festival Photo galleries

Mayapur Vrindavan Trust - Vrindavan

Mayapur Chandradoya Mandir - Festival etc 2005
(this site is no longer being updated see for Mayapur site now)

Mayapur Chandradoya Mandir

Pancha Tattva come to Mayapur 2004

Srila Prabhupada's Final Lesson Video - Downloadable and viewing on-line

European Krishna conscious festivals - photo galleries:

Foto galleries of Latino America with Rasananda Swami

Picture galleries from India - totally wonderful

Krishna conscious instructive dramas - plays:

Damodar web-site for Children

"IN EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE the chanting of the Holy Name of Krishna shall be heard. This was the forecast made by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu almost 500 years ago in India. Today, as the Hare Krishna Mantra -- Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare -- resounds in Bombay and New York, Nairobi and Sydney, and in Paris and Hong Kong, the prophecy of Lord Caitanya stands fulfilled. The universal import of this "Samkirtan Movement" (the congregational chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord) was expressed by Lord Caitanya as follows:

"Glory to the Sri Krishna Samkirtan which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years together. Thus the fire of conditional life, of repeated birth and death, is extinguished. The Samkirtan Movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction Moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge, it increases the ocean of transcendental bliss, and it helps us to have a taste of the full nectar for which we are always anxious."

(Every Town & Village, album cover)

On-line Virtual Arati to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai - check it out

What's So Special About Chanting Hare Krishna?
By Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandan dasa ACBSP):

Hare Krishna is NOT "a Cult":
Is ISKCON a Cult or part of the "Hindu Culture" or Something Else?

Hare Krishna is NOT a Cult letter by Kunti dd editor of Hare Krishna World:

40+ Years of Krishna Consciousness through Iskcon.........

Very nice articles and numerous links on the About Hinduism web-site.

What is ISKCON ???

Is Iskcon a Cult?

Iskcon and Hinduism

New to Krishna Consciousness - these topics 4 you

For those who are new to the Krishna Conscious philosophy,
here are a series of FLASH presentations introducing the philosophy to beginners.

What is Krishna Consciousness? (172k)
How can we become Krishna Conscious? (144k)
What is the Soul? (412k)
What is Yoga? (396k)
What is the Maha mantra? (216k)
What is Sanskrit? (64k)
What is the syllable Om? (312k)
Who is the girl with Krishna? (200k)
What are the Incarnations of the Lord (1.2mb)

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SONGS AND MANTRAS by Vaishnava spiritual masters:

Vaishnava Song Book:

Vedic Art Publications

Vrindavan Art

Mayapur Darshans Lila

Radhastami photo-gallery:

Nrisimha Deva's photo-gallery:

Also we are sending out mailing lists with regular postings of video clips,
photos and PDF jornals.


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  "Mayapur Katha Magazine" <>

- MAYAPUR DARSAN, video clips of Mayapur, send reqest to
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- Second SUNDAY MAILING LIST - photos of Mayapur, send request to /

Iskcon Mayapur are looking at starting a new WWW web-site, and are looking for a sponsor
if you are interested is assisting this great project please contact or his wife

New Calcutta (Kolkata) Guesthouse Near Airport

Dear devotees, please accept our humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Hare Krishna. We are pleased to inform you that there is now a comfortable, affordable and secure accommodation for devotees to stay overnight just 1 one minute drive away from the Calutta airport located on VIP Road. Now you can avoid the high prices and bad quality of hotels in the vicinity of Calcutta airport as well as the long expensive drive to downtown Calcutta.


1. Guest-house run by ISKCON devotees
2. Secure gated complex with 24 hr security
3. 24hr filtered water supply from private well
4. 24hr standby generator
5. Hot & cold water supply
6. Walking distance to Haldiram vegetarian restaurant
7. Own kitchen available for devotee cooking
8. Comfortable beds
9. Clean bathrooms and showers
10. Vehicle to and from Mayapur Dham can be arranged (car or bus etc)
11. Per night per person Rs 500/- (Compare to hotels Rs 1200-1500/- or more)


1. In Mayapur Dham
Reservation available thru Mayapur Travel Seva
Bhadra Balaram Das email:
phone: (3472)-245-468

2. Bhakta Amit email:
phone: 9932823574 (cell)

3. Bhakta Shivaji phone: 9231549376 (cell)

4. Caitanya Dasi & Paradhyeya Das
(in USA) phone: 916-568-1401

Note: Bhakta Shivaji will meet scheduled devotees arriving at Calcutta
airport and escort them to the guest-house.

Your servants,
Paradhyeya Dasa
Caitanya Dasi

Listen to or download Prabhupad lectures and bhajans

Devotional Bhajans and kirtans

Hundreds of devotional songs by various artists - singers - performers - and many more coming soon:

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Krishna Vision of Krishna Prema dasa ACBSP Sound Track Vol. 4 samples:

Sydney temple Audio page

Leicester Temple UK Audio page - many bhajans and kirtans

Listen to Krishna Radio on various subjects on-line:

Hare Krishna Media Library

Iskcon Podcast live classes

Agama Tantra and the Vaishnava Samskaras as a way of life:

Recently I was asked, "Don't you find it an inconvenience to always be checking to see when is the right time to do this or the best time for that?"

In simple terms my answer was and still is; if you go to the bus or railway station or airport it is probably an intelligent venture to enquire about the times and routes of vehicles than to just hope that one will be along soon, or one is going in your direction.

There are subtle influences in the Universe that, for thousands of years gone by, advanced cultures have honoured, respected and utilised. Before the corruption of the Vedik literatures by the Christian and Moslem invaders to India all these things were used; Ayurvedik Medicine; Vedik Astrology; etc. Today there's a rennaisance among many to revive these arts.

We have been trained and studied to be able to provide these services. See some of my sites:

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aham kratur aham yajnah
svadhaham aham ausadham
mantro 'ham aham evajyam
aham agnir aham hutam

"But it is I who am the ritual, I the sacrifice, the offering to the ancestors, the healing herb,
the transcendental chant. I am the butter and the fire and the offering."(Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita 9.16)

Krishna conscious affirmations:

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ete cäàça-kaläù puàsaù
kåñëas tu bhagavän svayam
indräri-vyäkulaà lokaà
måòayanti yuge yuge

“All the lists of the incarnations of Godhead submitted herewith are either plenary expansions or parts of the plenary expansions of the Supreme Godhead, but Kåñëa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.28)

rämädi-mürtiñu kalä-niyamena tiñöhan
nänävatäram akarod bhuvaneñu kintu
kåñëaù svayaà samabhavat paramaù pumän yo
govindam ädi-puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi

“I worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda [Kåñëa], who is always situated in various incarnations such as Räma, Nåsiàha and many subincarnations as well, but who is the original Personality of Godhead known as Kåñëa, and who incarnates personally also.” (Brahma samhita 5:39.)

Hindu Gods, Goddesses & Devas Wallpaper - 22 different ones, and screensavers too.
The Devotee List - Iskcon and Gaudiya math(s):
(It's still being developed, and a lot of devotees are not here......)

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Vedik World Heritage pages

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"The religious principles taught by Mohammed and Jesus Christ are similar to the religious principles taught by Vaishnava sects. Buddhism and Jainism are similar to Saiva-dharma. This is scientific consideration of truths regarding religious principles. Those who consider their own religious principles as real dharma and others religious principles as irreligion or subreligion are unable to ascertain the truth due to being influenced by prejudice. Actually religious principles followed by people in general are different only due to the different qualifications of the practitioners, but the constitutional religious principles of all living entities are one." (Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur. Sri Krsna Samhita.)

updated 22nd January 2006

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A selection of interesting Krishna conscious articles from New Panihati - Atlanta temple USA:

Paradigms - where things are not all they seem

Krishna conscious Dramas and plays:
A collection of 88 transcendental dramas assembled and presented for the pleasure of
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Wonderful modern Krishna conscious plays:

These are great for Sunday feasts, or school programs or street presentations, or just for our own understanding.

Read here what Prabhupad says about such plays and dramas:

Click on this link to see how really short life is.

thanx again Shyam'

Dear Friends,

Hare Krsna!

In the download section of my website you will find a copy of Ganguly's complete English translation of the Mahabharata (originally in 13 hardback volumes) in HTML format. It is in a 7.5 MB zipped file.

The Mahabharata explains by example how Lord Krsna's Vedic culture and Varnashrama Dharma are meant to work. Where the Manu Smriti is a concise book of laws for Mankind the Mahabharata shows how those laws are applied. The Mahabharata along with the Ramayana have been the main foundation for the continuation of Vedic culture because they are easily accessible to the masses. The Mahabharata was actually written for the unfortunate people of the Kali Yuga to help uplift them. A close study of the Mahabharata and Ramayana in conjunction with the Manu Samhita would serve as a good guide on how to implement Varnashrama Dharma. And, in conjunction with the Srimad Bhagavatam, insight into Daivi Varnashrama Dharma. The Mahabharata is thus an essential text for anyone interested in implementing VAD.

The Mahabharata is a vast treasure house of Brahminical knowledge and as the Mahabharat itself says: "What is found in the Mahabharata may be found in other texts; whatever is not found in the Mahabharata is not found anywhere."

You will also find a PDF copy  of a canto of Agnivesa's Caraka Samhita (an Ayurvedic text) entitled Sarirasthana, a fascinating account of how the body is formed starting with philosophical details, conception, karmic details, embryology etc. I once gave this text to an obstetrician to read while she was waiting to see me and she was astounded at how much knowledge was contained in such an ancient text. Size 14 MB

Yours faithfully,

Shyamasundara Dasa
"krsnas tu bhagavan svayam"

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Can you Please Help Us
Join The Campaign ... Try to Appeal For The Kazkhstan Temple

---------- Forwarded Message -------------------------------
Text PAMHO:11445083 (129 lines)
From: (Bhakti Bhrnga) Govinda Swami
Date: 20-Apr-06 07:54 (14:54 +0700)
To: Free Forum (Announcements) [10034]
Subject: X all com users
Dear Vaisnavas,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

In 1999 the devotees in Kazkhstan purchased a beautiful farm outside of the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan. Since that time substantial strides have been made in creating an agricultural community, a home for many vaisnavas, and the venue for a wonderful summer yearly festival attended by devotees from Central Asia and Russia.

Since October 2004 there have been many attempts from the government of Kazakhstan to push us from this property. This has been done by smear campaigns in the media and ongoing litigation in the courts.

On March 29, 2006 a case was conducted in the Almaty Oblast Court. Prior to issuing the ruling the judge declared that the legal arguments of the government land agency had no substance and that the arguments presented by the advocates representing our society were correct and in accordance to the Kazakhstan legal code.

But after private discussion in their chambers the judges emerged and issued a ruling against our society in which it is stated that the land be confiscated and returned to the government. This ruling was illegal and not based on legislation of the government of Kazakhstan.

We purchased the land at the market value in 1999. In 2004 we privatised the land according to the laws of Kazakhstan in. Since this time the value of this land has increased dramatically. The situation we have is that the powerful government land barons want to eliminate us by any illegal process that they may possess the land, again sell, and make astronomical profit.

We have neither time nor options left. Our last option is the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan, but need-less-to-say, the legal system does not work in this country. It is either a matter of paying for the decision or having a powerful person order the decision.

Thus we are requesting devotees throughout the world to assist us in different ways:

First, we are requesting you to send this letter to all the contacts you have.

Second, we are requesting you to print the following letter and send to the Administration of the President of Kazakhstan requesting him to intervene in this case.

Third, we are requesting you to contact the heads of religious organisations, the foreign ministries in your countries, international human rights agencies, and register an appeal that they will voice concern to the government of Kazakhstan.

And at last, we are humbly requesting that you will all pray that this situation may be reversed and our farm, Sri Vrindavan Dham, will not be stolen by the government of Kazakhstan.

The President of Kazakhstan has gained international respect for having hosted an international religious forum in 2003. Yet, despite the talks of religious equality and openness, he is allowing a religious society to be illegally evicted from their legally acquired property. It is an injustice performed in the name of religious equality.

With affectionate regards,

BB Govinda Swami


To the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Mr. N.A. Nazarbayev

Government palace, Levoberezhye,

Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Or ...

Presidential Residence:

To the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Mr. Nazarbayev N.A.

Akorda, Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan.

President's e-mail:

Dear President Nazarbayev,

It is with deep regret that we have been informed of your government's attempted confiscation of the land which is owned by the Kazakhstan Society for Krishna Consciousness.

The land has been legally purchased and privatised according to the land codes of Kazakhstan.

But since 2004 there has been ongoing litigation in an attempt by government officials to steal the land where the Kazakhstan Society for Krishna Consciousness has been officially registered, and situated, for the past seven years.

On March 29, 2006 a hearing was conducted in the Almaty Provincial Court.

The judge in charge of the case explained that he had carefully studied the case and that there was no substance in the arguments of the Government Land Committee and District Hakimat.

Yet, when the decision was read it was ruled that the land at issue be returned to the land reserve of Kazakhstan. The decision of the court was enacted due to executive pressure as it violates legislative and procedural rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Mr. President, you want that your fine country come into the rank of the leading nations of the world.

You have shown your open mindedness by conducting your International Religious Forum in 2003. Yet in this case we have a glaring example of a religious society being destroyed by the greed of self motivated officers.

Sir, we are respectfully appealing to you to intervene in this case.

Please stop the abuse and destruction of the one element of Indian religion which is active in your nation.

Please allow these people to live peacefully on their property in accordance to the vision of religious equality that you have presented for the nation of Kazakhstan.


Read more about the Kazakhstan issue HERE and what to do to help

TV stirs up teenagers' sexual drive: Study,00500008.htm?headline=TV~stirs~up~teenagers'~sexual~drive

New York, April 6, 2006
Certain teenagers who watch more television are more likely to become sexually active than those who spend less time in front of the tube, a new study shows.

Dr Sarah Ashby of the University of Wisconsin School of Public Health in Madison and her colleagues found that, among a group of 4,808 boys and girls younger than 16, those who said their parents strongly disapproved of sex -- nearly three quarters of the group -- were more likely to start having sex in the following year if they watched two hours or more of TV daily.

The findings, appearing in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, support the hypothesis that "kids who are at overall lower risk of initiating sex may be more influenced by things that they see," Ashby said. For teens who don't sense parental disapproval, she added, "the cat is already out of the bag."

Parental disapproval in itself did indeed cut the risk of kids becoming sexually active -- 12.5 per cent of these teens started having sex, compared to 24.1 per cent of those who didn't feel their parents disapproved of sex.

Among kids who sensed parental disapproval, the more TV they watched, the greater their likelihood of becoming sexually active -- up to a point.

Those who watched two to five hours were more than twice as likely as those who watched less than an hour daily to start having sex. But teens logging five hours of daily TV or more were at no greater risk of starting to have sex than those who watched less than two hours.

It's possible that these children were watching so much television that they had no time for other activities, including sex, the researchers note.

The researchers also found that sexual initiation was more likely among teens who sensed parental disapproval of sex if their parents made no effort to regulate their TV watching.

The findings show, Ashby told Reuters Health, that "it's important that parents convey very clearly their values about sexual behaviour to their children." What's more, she added, they should take other steps to reduce their children's risk of having sex, including keeping an eye on their TV viewing habits.,00500008.htm?headline=TV~stirs~up~teenagers'~sexual~drive

See more on TV today

"Contrived Equality vrs. Real Equality" Tue. 7:30 pm Ojai, Ca. c/o AVA

From "Roberts, William NAVSEA" <>

Hari Bolo Friends of the Vedas!

 Please accept my respects. All glory to the transcendental light of the Bhagavad-Gita as It Is!
Come join this wonderful evening that includes:
1)      Congregational Mantra Meditation
2)      A short study in Sanskrit
3)      A FREE Vegetarian Feast and
4)      A Bona-fide Sat-sanga where we will discuss:

"Contrived Equality vs. Real Equality"

The Next Gathering of the American Vedic Association's Bhagavad Gita Discussion and Fellowship is:
Tuesday, April 18th, 2006 7:30PM    (AVA Broadcast starts at 5pm Every Tuesday CH.10 Ojai!)

The woman's liberation movement asserted that men and women are equal.  This spiritual truth is a material absurdity and it constitutes the distinguishing difference between contrived and real equality. This will be the topic of discussion at the nest AVA meeting! 7:30pm 640-0405 Always Free!

Guest Speaker for Janmastami 2006?

AVA is particularly interested in hosting a senior Vaishnava to speak at our Janmastami program scheduled this year on Saturday evening August 12th at 6:00pm.  We welcome proposals from any individual in the Vaishnava community who would like to speak at this special event.  We humbly request all candidates to respect our intent to follow Vaishnava protocol during the final selection process.   Please note that AVA always schedules the Ojai Janmastami festival on the First Saturday evening prior to the actual Lunar Data for Janmastami which this year happens to be on Wednesday, August 16, 2006.  This is done intentionally to accommodate working members of our congregation and free the Devotees and AVA guests to attend Janmastami scheduled later in the week at their local temples.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Start This Issue Feature Article *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Contrived Equality vs. Real Equality

        One of the most beguiling illusions of our day is the desire to reconcile the nagging belief that we are all equal despite all the overwhelming physical evidence to the contrary!  Somewhere deep in our soul sensitive people hear the universe murmur; "We all have something in common."  This primordial whisper feels so right that even when it's plainly obvious that a man can't have a baby, still some insist that men and woman are the same!  The quest for absolute equality began appropriately enough with the emancipation proclamation, and later appeared as the equally meritorious Woman's Suffrage Movement.   The mission to establish perfect equality then spread in the form of the "Special Olympics," the co-ed staffing of the "Deck Crews" in the US Navy Fleet, gay marriages and even organizations like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta)!
        All these radical adjustments may appear like the right thing to do but none of them change the fact that men will dominate in sports that demand physical strength while women will capture the headlines wherever agility is required like in gymnastics and ballet.
        At some point the thoughtful will realize that the  cantankerous ghost of material equality is an illusion that has its own limitations!  The misguided quest for absolute equality is already wreaking havoc in the courtroom where the person who committed the crime is often granted more rights than the victims who suffered from their inflicted injustice!   Now children are demanding to be treated equal to adults and this has led to a loss of respect for their teachers, while those who educate, have been stripped of effective tools for disciplining their students!

Recent studies now indicate that 50% of high school students have had "casual sex" within the last 30 days, and the situation of guns, weapons and drugs, has gotten so precarious that Police officers are now assigned to patrol many of the nations High Schools.

Equality Avenue is a One-Way Street!

Interestingly enough however, the cries for equality are always selfishly motivated and therefore usually only directed up the social pecking order.   It was the desire of adults who did not want THEIR liberties to be censured, that led to unmonitored Internet access at the libraries which also allowed children to have access to dangerous sites which would expose them to all sorts of offensive, dangerous and potentially life damaging ideas and images!

It was not the Southern plantation owners who charitably desired to grant liberation to the slaves they depended on for commerce;  just as in Southern California today, most US citizens are not generous about granting illegal aliens unbiased equal access to state funded programs.
"In America everybody is of the opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors, for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine that all men are equal applies only upwards, not downwards."
 - Bertrand Russell

Four Different Social Orders
        In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna declares that every society throughout history has an inherent social taxonomy of four major divisions characterized by the natural division of labor they each attract.

"According to the three modes of material nature and the work associated with them, the four divisions of human society are created by Me. And although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non doer, being unchangeable. " --Bhagavad Gita as It Is, Chapter 4, "Transcendental Knowledge";
Text 13 (LINK: <> )

The four divisions Krishna identified were: 1) Brahmans: Priest & Teacher Class 2) Ksatrias: Ruling & Governing Class   3) Vaishas: Mercantile & Entrepreneur Class 4) Sudra: Artisan & Labor Class.  Well golly gee Krishna certainly doesn't seem to be saying that we are all equal" at least not based on any form of material assessment!
        About 2500 years later, the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, also divided human nature into four different categories which he referred to as 1) Sanguine 2) Melancholic 3) Phlegmatic and 4) Choleric's!    Shortly after that, Aristotle, one of the greatest philosophers that ever lived, also broke the human social structure into four unique categories distinguished by: 1) Beauty & Aesthetics 2) Unity & Connection 3) Morals & Fairness 4)  Truth & Intelligence.

More recently modern behavioral scientists have developed all sorts of "Personality" tests to identify just how different we really are to help employers match temperament types with compatible career choices.   Is it just a coincidence that one of the most popular of those tests, known in the industry as the "Myers Briggs Kiersey Temperament Types" test, is also based on a matrix of four major categories with each having four finer subdivisions?

Women Still Wear Bras

If we are all so equal, then why is there so much money invested in statisticians, demographers and actuaries, in order to predict who is most likely to go to jail, purchase a particular product, graduate from college, live in particular neighborhood, get married or die by a certain age?
        Despite how many appealing things Gloria Steinam said about liberated women for the last 30 years, they still yearn to bear children, raise a family, and wear a bra.   The only obvious conclusion to all these examples is that in the material sense of the word, we are clearly not equal and you don't have to be John F. Kennedy to understand this simple point.
"There is always inequity in life. Some men are killed in war and some men are wounded, and some men are stationed in the Antarctic and some are stationed in San Francisco. It's very hard in military or personal life to assure complete equality. Life is unfair. "
John F. Kennedy

Real Equality
        The reason why we can't shake the sensation of equality, is that within every form of life there is a unique spiritual spark, which is part and partial of the Supreme Lord.  That unique JivaAtma (Individual Soul) pervades the body with consciousness just as the sun pervades the universe with sunshine.

"O son of Bharata, as the sun alone illuminates all this universe, so does the living entity, one within the body, illuminates the entire body by consciousness."  -Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 13,  "Nature the Enjoyer & Consciousness" Text 34. (LINK:
<> )
Here Krishna clearly says that the awareness we have of our own body is the symptom of the individual (the Jiva-Atma) that resides within it.  It is the presence of that unique, individual and eternal part of the Supreme Soul (Param-Atma) that makes us equal.   Because Krishna has free will, we too have that privilege, but for the most part we misuse it just like the prodigal son misused the talents he was given by his loving father.  The Jiva-Atma is further referred to as Krishna's marginal potency because his consciousness can be swayed due to association with His inferior energy (Matter). When that happens, the individual becomes so entangled with the material  world he forgets his true nature and becomes so horribly mixed up and confused he commits all sorts of egregious atrocities.   How else can we end up with the misnomer that this country is the "Home of the Free and the Land of the Brave," after Lord Jeffrey Amherst distributed the native Americans" smallpox infected blankets in 1763, and began the ethnic cleansing that later put most of the indigenous people of this land in their grave, in-jail or economically trapped on substandard tribal reservations!   Who was thinking of equality back then?

The following discussion took place between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and a reporter in Philadelphia during July of 1975.  He provides further insight into how to better understand that the equality we share is not based on material designations which are superficial, temporary, and always subject to change, but on our spiritual heritage as a fragmental portion of the Supreme Lord.

Beyond Sexism, Beyond Tokenism

Reporter: The Krishna consciousness movement has been what some would consider sexist, because certain propensities for women have been defined, by the devotees or the Vedic scriptures -- I'm not sure which -- and I wondered if you would comment on that. The allegation is not necessarily that the movement is against women,  but that it defines inferior roles for them by their natural traits.
HDG A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami: We give equal roles spiritually. Materially, one person is an assistant, another person is a manager. How can you avoid this? Everyone will be a manager; nobody will be an assistant. Can you achieve equality materially?  Materially, one person is a parent, another is a child; one is an assistant, another is a manager; one is a woman, another is a man. How can you stop this? But spiritually they are all equal.
Reporter: So then what is happening materially is unimportant?
HDG A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami: The thing is that when you come to the spiritual platform, when you see the spirit soul within everyone -- then that is equality. For instance, you are differently dressed, in a red blouse, and I am differently dressed. This difference must be there. There are so many men and women -- and they are differently dressed. You cannot say they are equal with respect to their dress.  But within the dress -- as spiritual beings -- they are all the same. In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says:

"The humble sages, by virtue of true knowledge, see with equal vision a learned and gentle brähmaëa, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste]. - Bhagavad Gita as It Is, Chapter 5 "Karma Yoga, Action in Krishna Consciousness"; Text 18. (LINK: <> )
  Through spiritual vision, we can see a learned scholar, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and even a dog-eater as equals. And yet materially, how can they be equal?

If I invite a learned scholar and ask him, "Please sit down with this dog," will he be pleased?  He will feel insulted. I may see that within the dog there is a spirit soul and within the learned scholar there is a spirit soul. But if I say, "Oh, you may be a learned scholar and you may think the dog is just a dog, but I see you as equals," that will be an insult. So the fact is that we cannot disturb the divergent material situation, but at the same time we have to understand what the situation is spiritually. Artificially, on the platform of the material body, you may make man and woman equal, but actually it is not a fact.

In one place in the Bhagavad-Gita, the Supreme Personality of Godhead says that one who has spiritual vision sees everyone as equal. And yet in another place the Supreme Lord says: When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Krishna, the women of  the family become polluted, and from the degradation of womanhood, O  descendant of Vrsni, comes unwanted progeny. Bhagavad Gita As It Is,  Chapter 1. "Observing the Armies on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra" Text 40. (LINK: <> )  Unless you protect women, low-class men will seduce them, and society will be burdened with unwanted children.

Just take this "women's liberation" -- it is simply a trick by the men. Now the men can have free prostitutes - that's all. And once a man makes a woman pregnant, he can go away and let her choose between begging support from the government or killing her child . . . abortion. You may not like to hear it, but "women's liberation" means that the men have tricked you. So to make progress toward the end of spiritual realization, we must make some slight material distinction: women must be protected.

If we were actually discriminating against women, then how could it be that in our temple we are enjoying together? We are enjoying because actually we are equal -- on the spiritual platform. We do not say, "You are a woman. Oh, you cannot become a devotee." No. We welcome everyone. We request everyone, "Come to the spiritual platform. Then everything will be nice." When one is spiritually realized, he knows that spiritually there is no distinction between himself and anyone else -- and so he becomes happy. In the material conception, one person is always trying to take another person's position. But in the spiritual conception there is no more hankering and no more lamentation because everyone understands that spiritually we are equal.

Here at our temple you can see it practically: the boy is dancing, the father is dancing, the black is dancing, the white is dancing, the young are dancing, and the old are dancing. You can see it practically. The woman is dancing, the man is dancing -- everyone is dancing. They are not dancing artificially, like dogs. They are dancing out of spiritual ecstasy. This is the spiritual platform, the "dancing platform." They are dancing naturally, spontaneously, because they are realizing God, because they are in relationship with God. They are feeling the ecstasy that "We are all servants of Krishna"

And this is despite any material distinctions. A man's bodily structure and a woman's bodily structure are different. How can you say they are equal? If a man and a woman are equal materially, then why doesn't the man also become pregnant? The distinction is there by nature. Sometimes people think that I am making the distinction, but the distinction is already there. But despite this distinction, when the man and the woman think in connection with Krishna -- "I am a spirit soul; my function is to serve God" -- then they are equal. Our proposition is that artificially we should not try to make equality. That will be a failure. It is already a failure. For instance, in London I saw a woman police officer, so I was joking with her: "If I capture your hand and snatch you, what will you do?

You will simply cry. So what is the use of your being a police officer?" A police officer requires bodily strength. If there is some hooligan, he can give him a slap or catch him; but what will a woman do? So we say, "Be practical." Artificial equality will not endure.

We are all equal, undoubtedly, because we are all spirit souls. Asmin dehe: within everyone's material body there is a spirit soul. That we have to understand first of all, and then if we cultivate knowledge and understanding on that platform of spirit soul, then we shall feel equal and there will be no disturbance. Everyone will be peaceful. That is wanted. We are stressing this point -- that if you say artificially that we are equal; it will not have any effect. But when you understand that we are equal spiritually, that will be beneficial. That will bring peace and happiness all over the world.

Advantages of fasting & Vedic Writings  by Vrnparker

On the occasion of World Health Day, some of the speakers at a meeting organised by The Indian Red Cross Society bemoaned the indiscriminate dumping of traditional practices in the name of modernity.

President of Health India Foundation

C N Deivanayagam pointed out the advantages of fasting and even using homemade kajal and how they helped in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

As for doctors, the difference between then and now was vast. Earlier they were treated as `Gods', he said, as they never turned away any patient.

He stressed the importance of not just dedication but practice to make the needle go in smoothly while giving injections.

Seminar on Vedic writings

At a seminar on Vedic writings on Sunday, speakers dwelt on the influence of Vedas in common man's life and how they were taught word of mouth and not written until long after.

The speakers came up with explanations for commonly used phrases and traced the origins of music that linked cultures across the countries. Similarly, there are plenty of theorems waiting to be decoded.

For a lay listener it was a journey back in time. One wondered if the language had words for mobile phone and computers too.

Daily Inspirations:

A Rare Honest British Historian

Many advances in the sciences that we consider today to have been made in Europe were in fact made in India centuries ago. Grant Duff, British historian of India

from Hinduism Today - HPI, May 1, 2006

Courtesy of Hinduism Today

A Good Article on Economy - Written by an Indian Economist

Japanese save a lot. They do not spend much. Also Japan exports far more than it imports. Has an annual trade surplus of over $100 billions. Yet Japanese economy is considered weak, even collapsing.

Americans spend, save little. Also US import more than it exports. Has an annual trade deficit of over $400 billion. Yet, the American economy is considered strong and trusted to get stronger.

But where from do Americans get money to spend?
They borrow from Japan, China and even India. Virtually others save for the US to spend. Global savings are mostly invested in US; in dollars. India itself keeps its foreign currency assets of over $50 billions in US securities. China has sunk over $160 billion in US securities.

Japan's stakes in US securities is in trillions.

The US has taken over $5 trillion from the world. So, as the world saves for the US, Americans spend freely. Today, to keep the US consumption going, that is for the US economy to work, other countries have to remit $180 billion every quarter, which is $2 billion a day, to the US!

Otherwise the US economy would go for a six. So will the global economy. The result will be no different if US consumers begin consuming less.

A Chinese economist asked a neat question. Who has invested more, US in China, or China in US? The US has invested in China less than half of what China has invested in US. The same is the case with India. We have invested in US over $50 billion. But the US has invested less than $20 billion in India.

Why the world is after US?
The secret lies in the American spending, that they hardly save. In fact they use their credit cards to spend their future income. That the US spends is what makes it attractive to export to the US. So US imports more than what it exports year after year.

The result:
The world is dependent on US consumption for its growth. By its deepening culture of consumption, the US has habituated the world to feed on US consumption. But as the US needs money to finance its consumption, the world provides the money. It's like a shopkeeper providing the money to a customer so that the customer keeps buying from the shop. If the customer will not buy, the shop won't have business, unless the shopkeeper funds him. The US is like the lucky customer. And the world is like the helpless shopkeeper financier.

Who is America's biggest shopkeeper financier? Japan of course. Yet it's Japan which is regarded as weak. Modern economists complain that Japanese do not spend, so they do not grow. To force the Japanese to spend, the Japanese government exerted it self,  reduced the savings rates, even charged the savers. Even then the Japanese did not spend (habits don't change, even with taxes, do they?). Their traditional postal savings alone is over$1.2 trillions, about three times the Indian GDP. Thus, savings, far from being the strength of Japan, has become its pain.

That is, a nation cannot grow unless the people spend, not save. Not just spend, but borrow and spend. Dr. Jagdish Bhagwati, the famous Indian-born economist in the US, told Manmohan Singh that Indians wastefully save. Ask them to spend, on imported cars and, seriously, even on cosmetics! This will put India on a growth curve. "Saving is sin, and spending is virtue." Before you follow this neo economics, get some fools to save so that you can borrow from them and spend.....???????

It's a vicious circle the more you spend the more the demand for goods and hence economy grows which further demands more spending on your part – the moment you spend less, the price for the product increases and cuts into your savings.
So whether you spend or don't spend you anyway lose money – and if people stop spending economy goes down and you lose your job!
So what do you do?
What you do is spend till you are thirty and then allow others to spend (others generally spend till they are fifty). By that time you have also managed to earn enough to buy yourself some property and basic material conveniences with inflation in check(INFLATION IS KEPT IN CHECK BY SPENDING MORE; WHEN INFLATION ACTUALLY MEANS AN INCREASE IN PRICE – IRONIC ISN'T IT ?).
If you also notice, its mostly the young population which spends more – hence a large young population is very important in the current non-agrarian economic context.
That's why India does not have a problem with ensuring contribution to economy, whereas Europe wants more young population – this is a problem mainly plaguing Europe right now – and Japan to an extent

Sent in by Yagnesh Rajani from Malawi

 “Karma & Reincarnation: Fact or Fiction?”

"After the Kurukshetra War, King Dhritarashtra asks Krishna why he was born blind and why his hundred sons all got killed. Krishna replied that fifty lifetimes ago he had been a hunter. He had shot an arrow in a forest which hit a nest, killing 100 young birds."
SEMINAR #2 ­ "Karma & Reincarnation: Fact or Fiction?"

Speaker: H.G. Bhuta Bhavana dasa

1. Karma

Karma has become a mainstream term in modern society, so most people have some idea of what it means. One common concept is the law of action and reaction. There are some misguided assumptions of what karma means. Glenn Hoddle, the England football coach, infamously made some rather misguided and somewhat inaccurate statements about disabled people supposedly suffering from sinful reactions from previous lives. Later on in this summary sheet it will be explained through the principles of karma how disability is not necessarily a sinful reaction.

There is an example from Mahabharata which illustrates the law of karma in action. After the Kurukshetra War, King Dhritarashtra asks Krishna why he was born blind and why his hundred sons all got killed. Krishna replied that fifty lifetimes ago he had been a hunter. He had shot an arrow in a forest which hit a nest, killing 100 young birds. The mother of the birds survived but was blinded by the arrow. In other words, Dhritarashtra was suffering the reactions to that act in the present lifetime. Krishna also explained that fifty lifetimes had passed before Dhritarashtra had one hundred children. This shows how the law of karma is supposed to be exact and accurate in it's delivery of justice.

Karma is the subtle version of Isaac Newton's third law that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Whereas Newton's law is limited to physical forces, the concept of karma extends to our actions, thoughts and feelings. The best way to define karma is that it is a causal relationship, a chain of connection, between our physical or verbal activities and thoughts. The corresponding reaction from the environment is described as our karma.

(i) The four stages of karma


                1. Bija (seed) - the subtle conception. When we conceive of or think of an activity.

                      2. Kuta (bud) ­ the desire or will to perform the activity. Our emotions energise the thought into a feeling or willing.


          (c)  Phala (fruit)    when one actually engages in the activity.

             (d) Phalamukha (result) Includes both external (physical) and internal (psychological) results.

       An example is when one thinks of attending LSE (seed), then he develops the determination to attend (bud), then we actually apply for studying there (fruit), and finally we receive the result of being accepted as a student at LSE and attending lectures etc. One can stop the physical stages from manifesting by not acting on the stages at the mind platform, i.e. we would never have come to LSE if we had never actually applied to the university.

Any activity which has a material motive thus can be considered to be subject to the laws of karma. One result of good karma can be the possession of opulence. For example, Prince Charles is born in the royal family due to previous acts of piety in previous lives. Often, activities can also be carried over from previous lives into the present life e.g. the tendency for someone to perform charity may be carried over from previous lives (samsara). Other examples of opulence include intelligence, beauty, education and wealth.

The degree of opulence can also differ at different times in a person's life. For example, Bill Gates had the good karma to become wealthy, but this didn't manifest itself when he was a student, because he was not rich at all. However, later on in his life, he became one of the wealthiest men in the world, so much so that it has been reported that he has enough money to wipe out third world debt!

From the Vedic scripture, Shrimad-Bhagavatam, it is described by the sage Parvata Muni that our full manifestation of good karma is dependent on our endeavour. He used the analogy of a cow on a field of grass who is tied by a five metre rope to a pole. The length of the rope is indicative of the potential good karma we can experience in a lifetime. If the cow does not stretch the rope at all, she will stay near the pole, and thus not have much grass to eat. Similarly, if we do not put in any endeavour, we will barely get much of the good karma due to us. However, if the cow stretches the rope to it's limit, she can enjoy much more grass to eat. Similarly, if we put in full endeavour, we can experience the full limit of our good karma. Of course different people have different potential of karma according to deeds done in previous lives.

(ii)  Four classes of results obtainable from striving for success

             (a)  No karmic credit

                No matter how much endeavour put in, there simply isn't possibility of achieving desired success due to lack of good karma from previous lives.

             (b)  Karmic credit, but no effort

             The good karma for success is there, but there is insufficient effort put in, so success not fully realised.

             (c) Karmic credit, plus effort

             Success is fully realised due to endeavour put in.

             (d) Fixed karma

             Even though no endeavour is put in, success is still experienced due to fixed nature of previous good karma. For instance, one's place of birth, parents, or where someone inherits millions from his grandma who dies after winning the lottery. Gender is also fixed, although modern medicine has put that into question! Someone may not study at all at Oxford University and still obtain a degree e.g. Bill Clinton obtained a honorary degree without studying there.

2. Reincarnation

A common thought that comes to mind when one thinks of reincarnation is the idea of rebirth after death and the change of bodies. The origin of the word reincarnation comes from the Greek process of entering back into flesh or the body. According to the Vedic understanding, this is not what reincarnation is necessarily about. The Bhagavad-Gita explains that the soul is not the body. Two things determine our karma:

          1. mentality
          2. activity

At the time of death (anta-kale), what we think of determines what body our soul will transmigrate to in the next life. There are 8,400,000 species of life, of which 400,000 are human species. One can reincarnate into any species, since every life form has a soul, since all display the four characteristics of living entities:

          1. growth
          2. deterioration (e.g. old age)
          3. leaving behind by-products (e.g. reproduction)
          4. death

The ability to express consciousness is limited by one's body, for example a tree has a lower level of expression of consciousness than an animal. There are examples even within human society, for example, when the body is paralysed, there is less ability for the human to fully express his consciousness.

What determines what we think of at the time of death? The answer is the our previous acts throughout our lifetime. For example, according to Vedic understanding, if one engages too much in sex life, then nature will provide one with the body in the next life that is most suitable for practice of sex life. One may reincarnate as a pigeon, since a pigeon's body enables one to engage in sex many times.

Our subtle body's programming is what determines our thoughts at the time of death. The three factors are:

          1. mind
          2. intelligence (buddhi)
          3. false ego (ahankara)

Once again, the two factors of mentality (or meditation) and activity determine our thoughts at the time of death. Even in everyday life, the analogy of a car shows how reincarnation is quite fair. For example, it is unsuitable to use a small, compact car like a Lamborghini to transport furniture, because that car is more suitable for looking good and racing. Hence, nature would impel us to get a lorry, because it's suitable for moving heavy items. In the same way, if we use a lorry to race, nature would impel us to give up the lorry and buy a small, aerodynamic car like a Lamborghini ­ because the car is more suitable for our intended purpose.

This begs the question of what the purpose of human life is. The answer is given in the Vedic scripture, the Vedanta Sutra, that the aim is brahma jijnasa or self-realisation. In other words, the human form of life is given so that we may connect with God through service. If we cultivate this purpose then we are at least guaranteed to again receive a human form.

Now one can address whether there is any scientific evidence for reincarnation. There is plenty of scientific evidence which at least suggests that reincarnation is a reality. Dr Ian Stevenson has undertaken many studies on past life experiences. His approach is two-fold:

          1. Rejection of unreliable evidence

             There are many so-called memories of past lives described via hypnotic regression, where the patient is told to relax his physical and subtle body in order to access deep-rooted memories of past lives. The problem with this approach is that many people have a condition called false memory syndrome where they play out some fantasy or ideal previous life as somebody famous. For instance, many women who have been regressed have described themselves as Cleopatra! Very rarely does one get normal lives of insignificant people being described. Consequently, Dr. Stevenson rejected this source of evidence.

          2. Spontaneous memories described by children

             Many children have at a very young age given accurate details of the name, lifestyle, circumstances of death and explicit details of their family members from a previous life. In fact many of these claims have been corroborated by those studying the cases. This body of evidence is much harder to refute and cannot be rejected due to the accuracy of the information, especially when forensic evidence exists in some cases (see

There is also one class of evidence from past life regression which cannot be rejected because of the accuracy of the regression. One case was described where the patient regressed claimed he was living in the ancient civilisation of West Mesopotamia. He was able to speak fluently in the language, accent and dialect of the ancient civilisation, and expert historical linguists were able to verify that language being spoken was from ancient Mesopotamia. In fact, the linguists had described how it is almost impossible to have studied and learnt the language in a modern day context, because even the expert linguists themselves only understand some aspects of the language. This all suggests that the knowledge of the language must have originated in a previous life.

Practical benefits of knowledge of reincarnation

          1. Accountability

             It ensures no-one is denied their reward for good actions and negative reaction for bad actions. In other words, we have a logical reason for treating others the way we would like to be treated ourselves.

          2. Endeavour

             It makes people work hard in order to achieve success according to the potential of their karmic credit.

          3. Bad Karma

             This explains why some good people suffer bad things ­ due to actions they are unaware of from their previous lives.

Transcending Karma

Some of our karma is predetermined as fixed karma, as has already been explained. In addition, although we can change our future by performing good acts, thus increasing our karmic credit, this doesn't change the fact that in this life we are somewhat limited to our available karmic credit. There is however activity which gives no karmic credit at all, called akarma. This activity is spiritual in quality because the activity is done for the pleasure of God. That which is spiritual is not limited by material laws. In fact, this activity not only prevents material reactions but also burns off bad karma which we are otherwise due to experience. It is the way of life described by Lord Jesus in the Bible as being `in the world but not of the world'. The movie, The Matrix, is a good analogy for this concept. When Neo knows that he is plugged in to the Matrix, he is acting in the Matrix from a higher dimension and so is not affected by many of the laws of the Matrix ­ thus he performs superhuman feats etc. In a similar way, to the extent that we are engaged in spiritual activities, which can include working, studying and maintaining a family, we are accessing the material dimension from a higher spiritual vantage point and so are not affected by the same material laws of action and reaction.

The example is given of the difference between a prisoner and the visitor. The prisoner is bound by the laws of the prison, but the visitor is free to leave at any moment. The important consideration is our motive, so we might be engaged as a businessman, but still be engaged in the service of God. As one recalls to the beginning of the topic, our karma can be effected by actions and desires (mentality). For example, the Vedic literatures explain how a great devotee of the Lord, King Bharata, due to attachment for a deer, thought of the deer at the time of death and so reincarnated as a deer. Similarly, somebody who is disabled may not be disabled due to past sinful actions, but may for example have been meditating on a disabled relative at the time of death in a previous life.

Spiritual intelligence is the key to transcending karma. When an external reaction comes to someone who may not be totally self-realised, because of getting spiritual guidance, he will be able to use the reaction in service of the Lord or reject it and thus transcend karma.

see our pages on Karma & Reincarnation

Tony Blair visits Swaminarayan Temple
Wednesday, 26 April , 2006, 15:13

London: British Prime Minister Tony Blair, accompanied by his wife Cherie Blair, visited the Swaminarayan Mandir, the largest traditional Hindu temple outside India, at Neasden.

Blair spent time on Tuesday evening appreciating the masterpiece of exotic design and workmanship of the temple that rises above London's skyline.

Replete with luminescent white pinnacles and glittering marble pillars, it stands as a beacon for Hindus, both young and old throughout the world.

Later addressing about 700 devotees in the temple, Blair spoke movingly about the goodwill, warmth and sense of peace one got in the temple premises and lauded India's rich cultural heritage and deep democratic roots.

He said India had shown to the world that democracy could be successfully practiced despite its vast population and diverse culture.

India's High Commissioner, Kamlesh Sharma was present on the occasion. Swaminarayan Temple is the first traditional Hindu temple in Europe.

Almost 2,820 tonnes of Bulgarian limestone and 2,000 tonnes of Italian carrara marble were shipped to India, carved by over 1,500 craftsmen and reshipped to London for building the temple. In all 26,300 carved pieces were assembled in less than three years.

Since its opening in August 1995, the temple has attracted over three million visitors.

Courtesy of Hinduism Today

Meat-Eaters Aiding Global Warming?

ABC News

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, April 19, 2006: Your personal impact on global warming may be influenced as much by what you eat as by what you drive. That conclusion comes from a couple of scientists who have taken an unusual look at the production of greenhouse gases from an angle that not many people have thought about. Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin, assistant professors of geophysics at the University of Chicago, and both vegetarians, have found that our consumption of red meat may be as bad for the planet as it is for our bodies. If you want to help lower greenhouse gas emissions, they conclude in a report to be published in the journal Earth Interactions, become a vegetarian. Eshel and Martin collected data from a wide range of sources, and they examined the amount of fossil-fuel energy--and thus the level of production of greenhouse gasses--required for five different diets. The vegetarian diet turned out to be the most energy efficient, followed by poultry, and what they call the "mean American diet," which consists of a little bit of everything. In terms of energy required for harvesting and processing, fish and red meat ended up in a tie for last place, but that's just in terms of energy consumed. When you add in all the those other factors, such as bovine flatulence and gas released by manure, red meat comes in dead last. Fish remains in fourth place, some distance behind poultry and the mean American diet, chiefly because the type of fish preferred by Americans requires a lot of energy to catch.

Courtesy of Hinduism Today

See our World Vegetarian Day Newsletters 2004 - 2005 - World Vege Day

See similar articles at Vegetarianism & beyond:

Broader religion classes backed,20797,18856965-3102,00.html
Melissa Maugeri

April 19, 2006

SMALLER religious groups have welcomed a proposal to change laws that would allow parents to decide who offers spiritual instruction to their children in schools.

The changes, to be enacted this year in Queensland state schools, came despite protests from Christian churches worried about marginalising religion in schools.

But groups such as the Hare Krishnas say giving parents and students wider alternatives would encourage tolerance.

Hare Krishna teacher Taraka Deve Dasi said Hare Krishna classes were already held in some schools.

Ms Deve Dasi said exposing children to different religions would allow them to see that people from all cultures can be devoted to God.

"It makes people more open-minded to other people's practices," she said.

Under the existing system, all state school children attend religious education classes unless their parents write to the school exempting them.

When the legislation, due to go to Parliament later this year, comes into effect, children will only attend classes if parents write requiring them to do so.

Some groups are concerned that it could lead to a phasing out of religious education.

Other groups think the changes will open students to a wider range of belief systems.

Muslim community spokesman Mohamad Abdalla said a larger variety of religious education within schools would generate more acceptance and tolerance.

"We need children to become more aware in a multicultural and pluralistic society like Australia," Mr Abdalla said.

But, he said, care should be taken with the definition of religious education.

"Religious education teaches the existence of a god, it is not just a way of life," Dr Abdalla said. "I would draw the line at atheists or humanists who don't believe in a god. And we need to distinguish between religions and cults too."

Humanist Maria Proctor, who wants to teach humanist values at Wishart State School, agreed that the teaching of the humanist belief system was not religious education.

But she said teaching humanist values would be an alternative for state school students already withdrawn from religion classes.

"We're non-religious but we are progressive and would be examining ethics and values and social issues," Ms Proctor said. "It's discriminatory not to allow us to offer a secular alternative if religious education is going to continue in schools."

Church of Scientology spokesman Nick Broadhurst said his church would be happy to supply volunteers to teach the basic tenets of Scientology if there were demand from parents.

But, he said, he was concerned the changes might see children slip through school without any form of religious education.

"I would be worried that if they didn't think about religious concepts when they were young they may not do it," Mr Broadhurst said.

"Scientologists are Christian, Muslim and Hindu," he said.

The Opposition has said it will oppose the laws and MP Fiona Simpson said the changes could see philosophies including satanism and witchcraft taught in schools, despite assurances that extreme groups would be kept out.

"There's a danger this will see religious education marginalised," Ms Simpson said.

Premier Peter Beattie has said the changes would enhance the rights of parents.

He said religious extremists, crackpots and lunatics would be kept out of Queensland schools.

Vedic World Heritage links:

See our pages supporting these views HERE: (Vedik World Heritage)
Western Indologists been exposed page:
How British Misguided the World on Vedic History

World Smoke Free Day
31st May Every Year

yeah kick the butt
...and remember from 10th December 2004 no more smoking in public places in New Zealand by law

This World:

Prahlad Maharaj said,
"Those who have taken the vow to enjoy temporary material things in this world are always full of anxieties. They try in so many ways to enjoy, and they make a vow: "eat, drink, and be merry; for tomorrow we may die. So now we should enjoy to the maximum." Still, they only experience anxiety. "Such enjoyment is likened to one who falls into a blind well."

Once there was a man walking in the forest, and he saw a tiger, and this very ferocious tiger started to chase him. As the man was running he saw a well, a ditch covered over by grass. He saw two branches growing out from the walls of the well and, holding on to the branches, he lowered himself down to get away from the tiger, who by this time was just looming over him. However, he saw that below him there were some very venomous cobras that were raising their hoods and extending their tongues. His legs were dangling just over the snakes. At the same time there were two rats-one on each branch. One rat was black, another white, and they were nibbling away at the branches. His situation was now very, very precarious.

So our situation also is like that. At any  moment we may die. Death is imminent.

     What do the tigers represent? They are roaring like death at the top of the well. The many snakes are our many problems-daily problems, problems, and problems.  Death who looming over his head and at the same time there were problems coming from all directions. In the meantime the rats were nibbling away. The two rats, one black and one white, signify nighttime and daytime. In due course the karma of that life will run out. The rats are nibbling away at his duration of life. At any time the branch will break.

Above him there was a branch with a beehive, and there were some very beautiful, golden translucent drops of honey beginning to fall. As they began to fall, the man stuck his tongue out to catch them. He than began to enjoy, and he forgot the reality of his situation.

"O, most tasteful." He forgot all the dangers.

   We know that our fathers and forefathers have died. And we know that all who were put to death were never happy. Still, we want that old age should not come to us, and that we will not die. We are always making efforts to make ourselves more  beautiful, more powerful, and more intelligent. We want to be expert in sense gratification. But moment by moment the two rats are nibbling. One second, two seconds, three seconds; then one hour, then twenty-four hours, then a day, then seven days, then one month; and after twelve months, then one year, and then one yuga. In this way our life is diminishing, and still never think that we will die. We are satisfied like mad persons. And what is the honey? It is the very beautiful, very sweet love and affection of wives, husbands and children. If not of husbands and wives, then of new, new, new girlfriends and boyfriends.

See similar inspirational snippets HERE:

See more on Darwin and Evolution HERE:

Articles from Back to Godhead Magazine:

Listen to Krishna Radio on various subjects on-line:

Hundreds of devotional songs by various artists - singers - performers - and many more coming soon:

Assorted Audio Lectures from Senior Iskcon Devotees:

Amala Bhakta dasa reciting Srimad Bhagavatam on-line:

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Transcendental Visions Videos
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see covers below


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Problems with Ghosts, Evil Eye, Curses, Black Magic etc etc

Continuous illness - All medical treatments fail.

Constant worries, Suicidal tendencies, or Desire to move away from home and family.

Continuous illness of any member of the family.

Tiredness and weakness like M.E.

Eating disorders associated with obesity and anorexia.

Being short tempered. Sterility, without any physical

deficiency or without any medical reason.

Repeated miscarriages or death of children.

Sudden unnatural deaths in the family.

Problems in the construction of new houses, new factory or any other building.

Shortness of money, in spite of hard labour.

No desire to live. Feels suffocated. Life seems useless.

Apathy, no desire to rise In Life.

Achievement of objectives seems impossible.

Sudden quarrels between brothers or the members of the family, without any reason.

Unexpected loss in the business of property.

Ill health and under development of children.

Loss of peace due to the fear of enemies and their evil designs.

Discord between spouses or the family.

Greatest efforts always resulting in failure.

Lack of Govt, favours, promotions and the desired raises or transfers.

Poverty, in spite of hard work.

Mental disorders - Insanity - Craziness.

These are some effects which prove that one is under the spell of the supernatural or black magic.

Even though Intelligent, one still fails to find solutions to such problems.

It is only due to "Black Works" that all your wisdom, all your strategies and all your intelligence fails.for relief

To see the Online 2004 Vyasa Puja Book visit:

Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa pujan in Mayapur 2003 pictures:

The 2006 Vyasa-puja book is meant for glorifying Srila Prabhupada not for voicing an opinion

Srila Prabhupada's Online Vyasa Puja Book 2006

Go to Links to Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Pujan

Some Official web-sites of senior Iskcon devotees:

HG Amal Bhakta dasa ACBSP

(the late) HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami (UK)  (Institute for Applied Spiritual Technology) (Perth Aus)

HH Bhaktivaibhava Swami

HH Bhakti Vikas Swami

HH Bir-Krishna Goswami

HH Devamrita Swami
Lecture Catalogue - free downloads:

HH Gopal Krishna Goswami:

HH Indradyumna Swami:

HH Jayapataka Swami
Many lectures by HH Jayapataka Swami and HH Radhanath Swami

HH Kadamba Kanana Swami

HH Prabhavishnu Swami

HH Prahladananda Swami

HH Romapada Swami

HH Sacinandan Swami

HH Sivaram Swami:

HH Sridhar Swami (the late Sridhar swami formerly in Bombay)

HH Suhotra dasa Tapa Vanacharin

HH Trivikram Swami

HG Vaiyasaki dasa Adhikari

If you know of any other senior Iskcon devotee web-sites please send their URL to us to share with others through this media

See the Blogs above also for some interesting reads:

Here's a short list with some links - sadhu sanga ki jaya


The Peace Formula

The Real Peace Formula

See more on Yoga and Meditation HERE:

What's Going On Where &Adds


The New Iskcon Auckland temple

for more information and some wonderfrul pictures of the event see our page:

photos updated 12th March 2004

page updated September 2005

Iskcon Auckland's new official web-page

Hare KrishnaSchool & Playgroup

Krishna Conscious education for children

Hare Krishna School in Riverhead, Auckland is a government funded school that runs from 9am – 3pm five days a week. We cover all core subjects in the New Zealand Curriculum and in addition teach Sanskrit, Sastra and Vedic arts. Children who come to this school get everything that children at state schools get plus Vedic culture and values in a serene rural environment.

A school bus service provides transport from Auckland suburbs.

For enrolment information please contact:-

Ph: 09-412-6325
Mob: 021-265-7587
Fax: 09-412-6325

Find out what the NZ Government Education Review Office thinks of the Hare Krishna School. Click the link below.$File/4204.htm?OpenElement

Gaura Yoga Centre
First floor
175, Vivian Street,

Phone:  (04) 801-5500

Learn about the Krishna conscious life-style
Learn Yoga
Learn about Vegetarianism
...all in a non-threatening friendly atmosphere.

Contact us:

Subscribe to newsletter:

Sunday Love Feasts - contact your local temple, or community for details

Harinaam Kirtan and Bhajans in Tauranga BOP.
Every Saturday in the Red Square by the Strand (or Mt. Maunganui)

Come and join the throng 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

...for more details contact Trivikrama dasa

Vegetarian Clubs
Waikato University - Hamilton campus

2 days per week serving about 100 plates each day.

Auckland Veda club.
Auckland University - Wellesley St. campus

Its a simple weekly program thats been running for a few years, at Clubspace,
where we have a vegetarian prasadam lunch and sometimes show a video.
Srila Prabhupada's books are available to browse or buy.

For more information contact Auckland temple:

Otago University - Dunedin - Vege Club
Room 2., Clubs & Societies Building
Albany St.,

contact Jambavati dasi (03) 477 8277



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New CD of Bhaktivinoda Thakur bhajans

by Ashok Krishna das and Syamabiharini dasi

By the mercy of Guru, Gauranga and Radha Krishna, (after our first bhajan album Bhajanamrtam) we have managed to produce a new CD entitled "Bhaktivinoda", a collection of bhajans of Saccidananda Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur and other Vaisnava acaryas in Orissi classical ragas.

The CD includes 8 bhajans and a 12-page booklet with all lyrics and a translation of the songs:
Gurudeva! Kabe Mora Sei Din Habe
Hari Hari, Kabe More Hoibe Sudina
Kabe Sri Caitanya More
Narada Muni
Janama Saphala Ta'ra
Brajendranadana, Bhaje Jei Jana
Kabe Ha'be Bolo

Price, inclusive of shipping, is 15 Euros per CD. If you want to order this CD, please transfer the amount to the following account (and send us your shipping address by mail or email):

Account number 3125628, Ashok Jagram, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Bank details: Postbank, Foreign operations, P.O. Box 1800, 1000 BV Amsterdam [Swiftcode: PSTB NL2]

For more information, email us: or

Check out this amazing new Krishna conscious music CD

by Navayauvana dasa ACBSP in Holland

Welcome to the world of
Indian Art Music

Here you will learn about the features of this glorious and sophisticated form of music.
You will also meet here with two of its most authentic and senior practitioners,
who are at once concert performers, scholars, composers and teachers --

Krishna Lila Entertainment

Welcome to Krishna Lila Entertainment
Here you can find a host of musicals, dramas and comedies,
depicting the pastimes of the Lord and His associates,
elucidating the Vedic philosophy,
whilst exposing the flaws of atheistic science.

Parividha Dasa Productions

Jagannatha Jewelry

Please Accept my humble obeisances.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Hare Krishna,
Greetings! I am Jaya Gopala Dasa a disciple of His Holiness Giridhari Swami from the Philippines. I am humbly presenting your good yatra our Philippine made Jagannatha pendant and lapel pin. You can view the product by going to

USER NAME: saranagati
PASSWORD: krishna

The beautiful face of Jagannatha is a bright, sweet pendant. Jagannatha's jewelry, eyes and smile are delicately outlined in gold. His face is surrounded by a lotus flower decorated with symbols commonly associated with Him: a golden club, lotus, conch, and chakra.

This enameled pendant is well-made with a nice weight that lets you know it's a quality piece of jewelry. It's about 1" tall and hangs from a thin golden loop that is wide enough to string on a favorite necklace, Tulasi neck beads, or a silk cord so you can hang it in your car even. Choose your favorite color: red, blue, yellow, or white. Its laminated so the colors will last forever. If you're interested please feel free to send me an e-mail so we can "Talk Shop"?. I Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you.

Your servant,
Jaya Gopala Dasa (Philippines)

Welcome to a few samples of what's at The Sound Lounge

Contemporary and Traditional Vedik style music

Buddhi Manta's place in Kerikeri

Exotic India - for everything Indian

Music - Dolls - Art - all kinds of gifts and jewelry - books and much more

 For all your Astrological gems, necklaces, yantras, devotional paraphernalia

Ring Tones for Nokia mobile cell phones
Hare Krishna maha mantra - from Iskcon Ahmedabad

Bollywood and Hindi and English "do it yourself" ringtones for cell phones

Practicing Krishna Consciousness at Home:

See your local groups of devotees and see how you can do it too

East Meets West @ "The Loft"
Enjoy an enlightening time associating with energetic devotees. Explore the similarities of ancient and modern surroundings through Krishna consciousness in a friendly non-threatening atmosphere.

Wellington Loft (Gaura Yoga centre)

Christchurch Loft
Hanuman dasa:

The Loft - Auckland

First Floor, 103 Beach Road,
Auckland City

ph (09) 379-7301

Brisbane Loft (Brisbane Australia)
2nd floor
99 Elizabeth St, City

ph 3379 7307

Sydney Temple (Aus) Shop On-line:

Subscribe to Sydney's E-newsletter –
and Streaming MP3 classes and music –

more options in the marketplace HERE:

Sydney temple:

Australian yatra: (...across the ditch )

...the site for Shaligram, Govardhan, Dwaraka and Tadiya shilas and Their Sevaks
Why not come on in for Cyber-darshan

There's so many new participants (GBCs, Gurus, Sannyasis, et al), new incredible pic's, capturing and enlivening articles and stories, pilgrimage diaries - check it out - believe me you won't be disappointed.

Massive new update since returning from India

Thousands of Salagrams, Govardhan, Dwarka shilas from ALL over the world.

READ Salagram kosha on-line.......
 Hari Bhakti Vilas segments
 Padma Purana
 Garuda Purana


mirrored @

Visit the Site and join our Quarterly Newsletter:

If you'd like to send in an article, picture(s), story or experience with Shilas please send it to me:

last updated 3rd May 2006

- HEALTHY ISSUES - Ayurveda:-
Visit Vaidya Yolande Manson's Ayurvedic practice - in Hamilton:

dhanvantaris cha bhagavan svayam eva kirtir
namna nrnam pururujam ruja asu hanti
yajne cha bhagam amrtayur avavarundha
ayusya vedam anusasty avatirya loke

"The Lord in His incarnation of Dhanvantari very quickly cures the diseases of the ever diseased living entities simply by His fame personified and only because of Him do the demigods achieve long lives. Thus the Personality of Godhead becomes ever glorified. He also exacted a share from the sacrifices, and it is He only who inaugurated the medical science or the knowledge of medicine in the universe." (Srimad Bhagavata Purana 2.7.22 )

Receive the Waikato Ayurveda Group Newsletter
5a Bader Street, Hamilton, New Zealand
ph +64-7-843-5566, fax +64-7-843-3974

Got health challenges...........???
Please contact me!

Radiance Ayurveda
(...and or Receive the Waikato Ayurvedic Group newsletter)

Visit Vaidya Yolande Manson's Ayurvedic practice - in Hamilton:

Are you receiving her newsletter????

Dr. Pratap Chauhan - Social Welfare through Ayurveda - Faridabad India

Bhaktivedanta Hospital - Mumbai

See our marketplace link off the main index:

This material world is described as padam padam yad vipadäm,
which means that at every step there is danger.
Please be a little careful - everything is not always as it seems in the Matrix:

Sun Protection: Slip slop slap wrap

Sunsmart -

NZ Cancer Society

Sun protection @ work

Summer Season Fire Safety

Water Safety,,8006-1844782,00.html

Out-door activities Safety

On-line Safety

Kids - Be Safe On-line:

New Zealand and Tsunamis - not to be forgotten:

What are Tsunamis - how they appear - warnings:

In case of emergency (ICE) contact number
East Anglian Ambulance Service have launched a national "In case of Emergency (ICE)" campaign with the support of Falklands war hero Simon Weston.

The idea is that you store the word "ICE" in your mobile phone address book, and against it enter the number of the person you would want to be contacted "In Case of Emergency". In an emergency situation ambulance and hospital staff will then be able to quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them. It's so simple - everyone can do it. Please do. Please will you also forward this to everybody in your address book, it won't take too many forwards' before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life.

Sponsored by

sent in by Bh Gary Kearns Q8 & UK

Do you have any services or products to advertise here for FREE ?

If you have any news, events, functions, deals, etc., that you would like to share with members of the greater Vaishnava community then please do so by sending what you have to us, we can pass them on in the next newsletter

Sacred Vegetarian Recipes - Prasadam

World Vegetarian Day 1st October each year

World Vegetarian Awareness Month - October

see what's already happened last year

see what we hear is to be happening this year

See our previous World Vegetarian Day issue of the newsletter for a wide range of Vegetarian issues
2005 World Vegetarian Day newsletter
Shaligram Tirtha Pradarshini newsletter October 2005 - Theme Prasadam

Vege update:
Social scientists and law enforcement officials have identified animal abuse as a symptom of emotional illness and a precursor to violent crimes against human beings. To allow individuals guilty of perpetrating such cruel acts to go unpunished or not sufficiently punished would be to sanction these horrific crimes and would permit them to go on to possibly commit violent crimes against humans.

The Animal Spirit Newsletter - Issue #2 -  4/21/03-4/27/03

Making Food Sacred - Offering our food to Krishna:
....excerpt from lecture by HDG Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada - Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.1-3 -- San Francisco, March 28, 1968

The Vedic literature says like this, that God has no leg, no hand. Therefore the impersonalists take advantage of it. "Oh, here it is stated God has no legs, no hands." But the next line is, javana grhita: "He can accept everything which you offer Him in devotion."

Now how He can accept? If He has no hand, how He can accept things from us? That means He hasn't got a hand like us. His hand is different. Therefore even though He is situated in the spiritual world, which is far, far away from us, still, He says in the Bhagavad-gita, it is said,

patram puspam phalam toyam
yo me bhaktya prayacchati
tad aham bhakty-upahrtam
asnami prayatatmanah

Krsna says that "A little flower or little water or a little leaf, whatever My devotee offers Me in love and devotion, I accept it." And tad aham bhakty-upahrtam. "And because he has brought it with great devotion, therefore I eat." Tad aham bhakty-upahrtam asnami. Asnami means "I eat." Now you can say, "All right, I'll offer these fruits and flower to God, but it is the same. It is remaining. How He is eating?" But His eating is not like my eating, because He hasn't got a body like this. This body is material. If you bring me a plate of fruits, this body immediately swallows it. But He has got spiritual body. He eats... Simply as soon as He knows that you have offered it in devotion, He eats immediately.

Go here to follow the simple system for offering foodstuffs to the Lord
... and always with the Magic ingredient - Offer it to Krishna.....
... with L'n D (love and devotion)

How To Offer Your Food To The Lord

Cooking for Krishna

Why do we offer our food to God before eating?

Everything you ever wanted to know about Hare Krishna food:

Pure Vegetarianism - booklet from Food For Life Global FREE

Download your FREE  EGGLESS Cake Recipe Cookbook
 - with 100 EGGLESS recipes

EgglessDotCom - A site for vegetarian baking without eggs.


Ekadasi Book Cooking - new book coming:

Ekadasi Recipes - preps without grains or beans etc:

Vrata ka khaana - Fast Foods cook book 4 sale (all ekadasi preps - some samples here):

Fast Food of a Different Kind:

Non-vegetarian aditives and non-ekadasi food aditives list:

Meat Free Zone:

A Guide to Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking and a Karma-Free Diet:


(even Parmesan and other favorites)
Not just cheeses also vegetarian yogurts and other dairy produce.

Tararua Lite Sour Cream for Vegetarians hits the shelves Sept 1st 2004.

(we bought some Stilton, Parmesan, Edam, Swiss and a few others - LOL - you have to check out these pages and then go to your Woolworths, Countdown, Foodtown, Pak'nSav, New World or local Deli.....believe me it's worth it, especially the Tuxford range; Cheshire, Red Leicester, Double Gloucester, Wensleydale varieties from the UK  =>:-))) updated to help you

updated 16th Sept 2004

All the Meatless Pasta preparations you'd like to prepare:

The Meatrix - this you have to see to believe - take the red pill see reality - The Meatrix it's all around you:

Allow the Meatrix to download fully before attempting to observe.............

Welcome to the Meatrix
choose the red pill and see the reality - it is all around you !!

click to enter the Meatrix.......
also at
Allow the Meatrix to download fully before attempting to observe.............

The Meatrix Part I - What is the Meatrix
The Mearix Part II - The Revolt = Revolting

Chaturmasya four month fasting period is Here:

These recipes are specifically used in the Brahma-Madhwa Vaishnava community for shaaka haara vrata - first month of Chaturmasya where one fasts from Greem leafy vegetables - spinach:  &

Ekadasi recipes  = from Narottam dasa in RSA
Vegan and Vegetarian recipes
updated 15th September  2005
Cooking with Kurma recipes
Panihati Chida dahi festival recipes
In A Vege Kitchen Recipes
"Just add bhakti"- recipes
Vegetarian - No onion or garlic cooking:
Conversion of temperatures and formulas

Vegetarian Recipes - All recipes

Vegetarian Kitchen Crafts:

This list is about vegetarian kitchen crafts. This list is created for postings regarding back to basics vegetarian kitchen crafts. When we say vegetarian we mean no meat, fish or eggs. When we say back to basics, we mean tips on making yeast, bread, gluten, tofu, sprouts and so forth.   Post a Message:

Ingredients :
2 eggplants (cut in half. lengthwise)
1 small can of tomato puree (8 oz.)
1 cup bread crumbs
2 zucchmi (chopped in ¼ inch cubes)
1 pound mozzarella cheese (grated) (Signature brand)
1 1/2 cups oil or ghee
1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon hing
1 teaspoon lemon Juice
1 tablespoon basil leaves
1 tablespoon oregano flakes
Pinch of sugar

In large skillet heat 1 cup oil or ghee. Cut eggplants lengthwise in equal halves. Place all four halves of eggplants face down in hot oil. Adjust to low heat. Cook eggplant for about 10 minutes on each side or until very tender. It's ready when you can push a knifepoint through easily. Turn off flame and set aside.

In l-quart saucepan add 1/2 cup of oil or ghee. When heated add 1 teaspoon black pepper, hing, and lemon juice. Quickly add tomato puree. Add 1/2 cup water, pinch of sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, and basil leaves. Cook on medium heat for 1/2 hour, stirring often.

In small skillet add last 1/2 cup of oil or ghee. When hot add Vi teaspoon black pepper. Quickly add chopped zucchini, add 1/2 teaspoon salt, and fry at high heat for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add breadcrumbs and lower heat. (Spiced breadcrumbs may be used, but then refrain from using salt.) Cook for 2 more minutes.

Return to skillet with cooked eggplants. Divide zucchini stuffing in four parts, put evenly on lop of eggplants, and cover with sauce and grated cheese. Cover and put on a low flame until cheese is melted. Garnish with parsley and oregano. Serve hot.

1 cup (120 Gms) Singhare ka atta (Waterchestnut flour)
2 teaspoon Sendha namak (Rock salt)
1/2 teaspoon Chilli Powder
1 teaspoon Green Chillies, finely chopped
250 Gms. Kaddu (Pumpkin) peeled, coarsely grated
1 Potato (small), peeled, coarsely grated
1 teaspoon Ginger, sliced
1 teaspoon Hara Dhania (Green coriander), chopped optional
Oil for deep frying

Mix together all ingredients (expect oil) and add enough water to make a thick batter with dropping consistency.

Heat the oil, to the point, when a bit of batter dropped in comes up at once. Drop spoonfuls of the batter in to fry.

Turn once and remove from oil when firm and slightly coloured. Drain on an abdorbent paper and keep aside till ready to serve.

To server, fry in hot oil until golden and crisp (over high flame)

2 Bananas (raw - green), peeled & diced
1 teaspoon Ajwain (Thymol seeds)
1/4 cup (60 gms.) Oil
2 Sabut lal mirch (whole red chillies)
2 teaspoons Sendha namak (Rock salt)
1 teaspoon Lemon juice

Heat oil in a heavy based pan, add ajwain and lal mirch. Once mirch darkens a bit, add banana and turn around over high flame till all the pieces are coated with oil.

Lower heat, add salt, let cook, covered, till tender. Should press easily with back of spoon.

Mix in lemon juice and serve garnished with hara dhania.

500 Gms (3 cups) Potatoes, boiled, peeled and cubed
2 Tea spoons (30 Gms) Oil
1 Tea spoon Ajwain (Thymol seeds)
1 Sprig Kadhi Patta (curry leaves)
2 Tea Spoons Sendha namak (rock salt)
2 Green chillies, chopped fine
2 Tea spoons Hara dhania (green conrainder), chopped
1 Tea spoon Lemon juice

For the batter
1 cup (120 Gms) Singhare ka atta (Waterchestnut flour)
2 Tea spoons (Rock salt)
Oil for deep frying

Heat 2 tea spoon oil, add ajwain and kadhi patta, saute over high flame till they darken a bit.

Add potatoes and turn around till well mixed. REmove pan from flame, add salt, chillies, hara dhania and lemon juice.

When cool enough to handle, shape mixture into walnut sized balls.

For the batter, mix atta and salt together, add enough water to make a batter of pouring consistency.

Heat the opil, to point when a drop of batter comes up at once. Dip potato balls into batter, and drop into the hot oil. Fry to a light brown, remove from oil and drain on absorbent paper.

When ready to serve, fry once again in hot oil, over high flame to a golden brown and serve with green chutney.

1 cup (125 Gms) Khoya, crumbled
1/4 cup (25 Gms) Arrowroot
1/2 cup (120 ml.) Milk
1/4 tea spoon Elaichhi (cardamom) powdered
Ghee (clarified butter) for pan frying
1 cup (240 Gms) Sugar
1/2 cup (120 ml) Water
Almonds, blanched and shredded, for garnishing
Little black pepper - kali mirch

Bland khoya and arrowroot together, add elaichi and kali mirch.Mix in milk, little at a time, enough to form a thick batter of dropping consistency
In a board pan, dissolve sugar over low flame in the water, stirring continuously but not letting it come to a boil.
Once dissolved, increase flame and let the syrup cook till a drop on the thumb, pressed with a finger and pulled apart forms a 'thread'. If not, dilute and cook some more. Keep warm.
Heat a thick layer of ghee, drop equivalent to a tablespoon of the batter into it, lower flame and cook till light brown on both sides. Lift out of the pan and drop into the sugar syrup.
Repeat above step till all the batter us used up. Lift out the maalpuras from the sugar syrup and transfer to serving dish. Serve hot garnished with almonds.

1/2 cup (50 Gms) Magaz (dried, peeled melon seeds)
1 tea Spoon (15 Gms) Ghee (clarified butter)
3/4 cup (150 Gms) Khoya
1/2 cup (120 Gms) Sugar
1/2 cup (120 Gms) Water

Dry roast magaz, till they get a hint of colour. Keep aside to cool.Add ghee and saut? khoya in same pan till khoya is smooth and slightly fried. Remove from flame, mix in magaz and keep aside.
In another pan, put sugar and water together and dissolve sugar over low flame.
Once the sugar dissolves, bring to boil and let syrup cook till thick. A drop put in a cup of cold water, should set at once, into a firm but not hard heap (soft ball).
Remove pan from flame and mix syrup immediately into the khoya mixture, stirring vigourously to blend well. Transfer to a greased plate, pat to level and leave to cool.
When cool and set, cut into pieces, using a sharp knife. Arrange on to a serving dish and serve.


Vege update:
Social scientists and law enforcement officials have identified animal abuse as a symptom of emotional illness and a precursor to violent crimes against human beings. To allow individuals guilty of perpetrating such cruel acts to go unpunished or not sufficiently punished would be to sanction these horrific crimes and would permit them to go on to possibly commit violent crimes against humans.

The Animal Spirit Newsletter - Issue #2 -  4/21/03-4/27/03

Higher Taste cook book FREE on-line

All the Meatless Pasta preparations you'd like to prepare:
(some need some adjustment, as they contain onion and garlic)

Different Shapes of pasta:

The Lentil page - very useful all about lentils and the numerous kinds of lentil

OVER 100 EGGLESS CAKE recipes can be found on our Main index and
on many other pages at:

Visit our Award winning site - Vegetarianism & Beyond
Interesting articles - information - history - arguments - links............ (been re-vamped) fact everything you want to know about Vegetarianism and Beyond:
... last updated 1st October 2004

Nutrition and Health - vitamins, a balanced diet, through prasadam:

Vegetarian Update - newsletter from NZ Vegetarian Socity in Wellington:

Siberian Center for Vedic Culture presents
tasty vegetarian recipes from Food For Peace by Rambhoru devi dasi.

“If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat.
That’s the single most important thing you could do. It’s staggering when you think about it.
Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty.”
--Sir Paul McCartney


Check out heaps of information on Vegetarianism, Prasadam-ism,
download books, Vegetarian Recipe programs, and more.


Points of View
I don't know if Shel was actually a vegetarian or not, but he did do some pro-veg works like the following:

Thanksgiving dinner's sad and thankless,
Christmas dinner's dark and blue,
When you stop and try to see it
From the turkey's point of view.

Sunday dinner isn't funny
Easter feasts are just bad luck,
When you see it from the viewpoint
Of the chicken or the duck.

Oh, how I once loved tuna salad,
Pork and lobsters, lamb chops, too,
Till I stopped and looked at dinner
From the dinner's point of view.

Shel Silverstein - song writer (he wrote all Dr Hook and medicine show's lyrics)

A Beginners Guide to Vegetarianism:

How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat - very nice Vegetarian pages:

Vegetarian recipes:

101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian:

Healthy Indian Vegetarian Cooking Recipes:

Excellent "Meat Substitute" recipes

Hundreds of Vegetarian recipes

Fat-free vegetarian meals:
A lot of inspiring Vegetarian preparations here, some have onion and garlic in,
so replace that with hing or omit that altogether as you see fit, still this page is well worth a serious look for ideas.


"You Mean That's in theBible" - expose on meat eating:

Religious Stands on Vegetarianism

Vaishnavism - Hinduism
Christianity - Bible - Book of Morman - 7th Day Adventist

From World Vegetarian Awareness Month 2004 - 2005 newsletters
- oxymoron of the yuga:

Protect both our species, two-legged and four-legged. Both food and water for their needs supply.
May they with us increase in stature and strength. Save us from hurt all our days, O Powers!

Rig Veda Samhita 10.37.11.

Download one of Bhakti Rasa prabhu's songs for FREE
"Don't Eat Your Friends" (It Ain't Nice)

and visit Bhakti Rasa prabhu's site:

Check out Kurma prabhu's new web-site:

check out what he's doing during October 2004

Cooking with Kurma Videos to purchase:

Jesus was a vegetarian video for sale:

Healthy Wealthy and Wise video for sale:

Award-winning video on the science of vegetarianism, featuring important nutritionists, economists and celebrities. This film, produced by ITV, is used by the Vegetarian Society and other organizations to demonstrate the common sense of vegetarianism and non-violence. "Sacred Cow: Pagan Ritual or Cultural Wisdom?" explores the economical, social and ethical aspects of cow protection in Vedic society and today. In "It Is Written," TV celebrity and Seventh Day Adventist Pastor George Vandemann presents a touching explanation of Biblical injunctions on vegetarianism. "In Vegetarina Cuisine for the Athlete," tennis pro Peter Burwash and Nancy Rossi make vegetarian scrambled "eggs", lasagna, soups & more. Delicious! Color, 115 minutes. Also available in VHS and VHS-PAL. PAL version is for most VHS players outside the US and Canada.

Natural Nirvana Vegan, Vegetarian & Spiritual Shopping

XMAS Recipes @
We wish you a Vege Xmas...and a Hari new year.

Wellington Vegetarian Society' Newsletters

You'll also notice that we have a book sale of our Living a Good Life book, and it is ideal for vegetarian families - it covers pregnancy, childcare and the teen years, not to mention adults and the elderly.  We've just reprinted more copies as a result of recent demand, and these are selling well, with the proceeds going to vegetarian products including a farm animal sanctuary down our way.

The book "Living a Good Life" normally selling at $21.95 is now going at the $14.95 price, .


Auckland's New Zealand Vegetarian Society
....has a myriad of excellent books for sale on vegetarianism

see their mention on our 2004 events

Vegetarian and Vegetarian Friendly Restaurants throughout New Zealand

Play the new Diamond Jubilee Vegan Game - Spot The Vegan

Challenge a friend to - Spot The Vegan

How did you do?

According to recent communications with ChelseaSugar group - NZ Sugars their Sugars are now free from "Bone Char" bleaching process and so devotees can again use and offer White Sugar safely.

See more details HERE

McDeath - the facts about Ronnie McDonalds:

Food Additives

Vegetarian and Non Vegetarian Food Additives


Questions About Food Ingredients - US

Confusing food labels - UK

Meet your Meat FREECDRoms
This is a must for those who live in the illusion of animal killing is somehow acceptable or humane.

I have converted the "Meet your Meat" video into a CD rom & will send a copy of it for free to anyone with a Cd burner & a pledge to make at least 4 copies to give to their meat eating friends.

Meet your meat - shocking live footage of the TRUTH in the meat industry:

This is the new version
I sent out a total of over 750 CD's last year to 60 different countries. My goal in 2003 is to double that number.
I would appreciate if you would forward this message to your readers.
Anyone willing to participate, please forward my mailing address as


Vegetarians BEWARE of Orange Softdrinks
Coca-Cola (manufacturer) - Not suitable for vegetarians; lists the following products as not vegetarian
These products contain traces of fish gelatine, which are used as a stabiliser for beta-carotene colour.

Fanta Orange
Diet Fanta Orange
Lilt Pineapple & Grapefruit
Diet Lilt Pineapple & Grapefruit

Soft Drinks - Some canned Orange drinks use gelatine as a carrier for added Beta Caratine.
(This would not appear on the ingredients panel).
(Text PAMHO:5891790) ---------------------------------------

According to recent communications with ChelseaSugar group - NZ Sugars their Sugars are now free from "Bone Char" bleaching process and so devotees can again use and offer White Sugar safely.

See more details HERE

As of last week in November 2003 Yopliat the yogurt people now put gelatine in their products
See here for pointers of okay ones

Vegetarian Cartoons and Jokes

 Krishna Conscious - Vedikly acceptable Jokes

Healing with humour: Taking better care of ourselves  =>;-))
Visit our Hasya Rasa pages

Laughter Therapy - its no joke:

'Hasya' or humour, created using either a situation or a behaviour-mode, easily reveals in dialogues and gestures during a play but a difficult theme for a sculpture or painting. There are, however, some excellent examples of 'Hasya' in pictoral art also and these days in cartoons. Besides caricatures and 'bhangeris'-type characters, myths, legends or stories are also used for depicting humour. For example Lord Shiva is camping with Parvati under a tree in the forest. As Shiva is adorned with serpents, a serpent, drapes across the otherwise naked form of Shiva like a loincloth, is covering his private parts. Hearing of him being there under the tree, Lord Vishnu, along with Garuda, His faithful vehicle, comes to pay him homage. The snake, as soon as it sees the bird carrier Garuda, his natural enemy, abandons Shiva leaving him all exposed and naked and flees into an anthill. It is humour by situation. Deliberate tricks and or sarcasm, usually bringing forth the philosophy and culture, sometimes in Krishna-related themes, are also used for creating humour.

To read more about Hasya visit our pages

FOR YOUR INTEREST: This one is not a joke but I thought you might like to know. These are the names of Lord Caitanya taken from the book "Sri Caitanya Sahasra Nama Stotra", i.e. "A Thousand Names of Lord Caitanya" by Srila Kavi Karnapura (as translated by HG Kusakratha Prabhu from the Krsna Institute)...

        So Lord Caitanya is known as the one:

 - hasya-kari  &  hasya-yuk  ==> who laughs & jokes

 - hasya-priya  ==> who is fond of joking

 - hasya-nagara ==> who is the hero of those expert in speaking joking words

 - hasya-grami  &  hasya-kara  ==> is expert at joking

 - pushpa-hasa  ==> whose smile & laugh are as charminng as flowers.

Lord Gauranga's smiling & laughing qualities ki...

                                                ys Radhe Govinda dasa

P.S. One of the qualities of Srimati Radharani is that she is very expert in the art of joking.

This is a MUST READ =>;-Q

Four Wives parable:

 Click on this link to see how really short life is.

sent in by Shyamasundar prabhu ACBSP

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects. When they eventually touched on the subject of God, the barber said, “I don’t believe that God exists.” Why do you say that,” asked the customer.

“Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn’t exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can’t imagine a loving God who would allow all these things.”

The customer thought for a moment but didn’t respond because He didn’t want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just as he left the barber shop he saw a man in the street with long, string, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and unkept. The customer turned back and entered the barbershop again and he said to the barber, “You know what? Barbers do not exist.”

How can you say that,” asked the surprised barber. “I am here, I am a barber and I just worked on you!” “No!” the customer exclaimed. “Barbers don’t exist because if they did there would be no people with long dirty hair and untrimmed beards like that man outside.” “Ah, but barbers do exists!
What happens is people don’t come to me.”

“Exactly,” affirmed the customer. “That’s the point! God, too, does exist! What happens is people do not go to Him or look for Him.
That’s why there’s so much pain and suffering in the world.”


One who has got knowledge is humorous also. (Conversation, 20 May 1975)

A gentleman should be humorous. (Letter, 26 September 1975)

Srila Prabhupada was simultaneously grave and joyful, serious and jolly. He had a good sense of humor and often laughed, joked, or told comical stories. But although funny, Prabhupada was never frivolous. Even his lighter mood was fully Krsna conscious. He did not laugh, joke, or perform antics for cheap popularity or just to pass the time of day. He had a transcendental purpose in everything he did. Unlike the joking of mundane comedians, Prabhupada's wit did not leave us feeling empty. Rather, it helped us on the path of fulfillment, because he gave Krsna consciousness along with the laughs.

- From the "Jaya Srila Prabhupada!" by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami

Big Brotherism : It is as though we have all fallen into an Orwell and can't get out.

"You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes" - Morpheus, The Matrix

They say that the mind is like a parachute,
it needs to be open to be able to use it.

Some minds are like concrete:
.......thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.

....this Pipal tree remains sacred

Sadly but true the ways of the Kali yuga:

Before performing a baptism, the priest approached the young father and said solemnly, "Baptism is a serious step. Are you prepared for it?"

"I think so," the man replied. "My wife has made appetizers and we have a caterer coming with plenty of cookies and cakes for all of our friends."

"I don't mean that," the priest responded. "I mean are you prepared spiritually?"

"Oh, sure," came the reply. "I've got a keg of beer and a case of whiskey."

Moral???? you tell me !!!

Did you ever wonder?

I stopped at a fast food restaurant recently. I was fascinated by a sign which offered Fat Free French Fries. I decided to have a look at their product and if they were okay, give them a try.

I was dismayed when the clerk pulled a basket of fries from the fryer which were dripping with fatty oil. He filled a bag with these fries and put them in my order.

"Just a minute!" I said. 'Those aren't fat free."

"Yes, they are. We only charge for the potatoes.... The fat is free!"'s Kali Yuga !!!!!

I used to not get on with my mother-in-law,
but over the last few months I've developed quite an attachment for her.

It goes over her head and a strap comes down under her chin to keep her mouth shut!

..a resident of Kali yuga

A few years back, I was in high school and we were celebrating Holy Week (the week before Easter).

We were watching a presentation on the last few days of Jesus. The teacher used a clip from the movie "Jesus of Nazareth" to make his point.

As we were watching Jesus carry his cross, a girl in my class asked,  "Is this live footage?"

from Verneita Boonlom

The ways of this material world - strange but true




























REAL Domain names

Maybe these companies should have thought a little more laterally about their domain names:

Firstly there is Who Represents?, a database for agencies to the rich and famous:

Second is the Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views:

Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island:

Need a therapist? Try:

And there is an Italian Power-Generation company:

Finally we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales:

OBSTINATE, adj. Inaccessible to the truth as it is manifest in the splendor and stress of our advocacy.

The popular type and exponent of obstinacy is the mule, a most intelligent animal.

Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce

.......more optical illusions and paradigm twists here:

The summer band class was just getting under way at a non-devotee school when a large insect flew into the room.

The sixth-graders, eager to play their shiny new instruments, tried to ignore the buzzing intruder, but eventually one student could stand it no more. He rolled up his music book and swatted the insect, then he stomped on it to ensure its fate.

"Is it a bee?" another student asked.

"Nope," he replied. "It's a bee flat."

OFFENSIVE, adj. Generating disagreeable emotions or sensations, as the advance of an army against its enemy.

"Were the enemy's tactics offensive?" the king asked. "I should say so!" replied the unsuccessful general. "The blackguard wouldn't come out of his works!"

Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce

50 paise presents Laddoo Shop

Oh I'm falling in love with this video.
I think the venue of this shoot from the Patel Bros at College Park.
This is probably a DC Desi team !!!

Note: remember to turn your speakers on for this Desi Musik Video

The cell phones that sell video is pretty funny too.

A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl.
Although his  English was far from perfect, they got along very well until one day he  rushed into a lawyer's office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce  for him - immediately!!!

The lawyer said that getting a divorce could depend on the
circumstances,  and asked him the following questions:

Have you any grounds?
Yes, an acre and half and nice little home.

No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
It made of concrete.

I don't think you understand. Does either of you have a real grudge?
No, we have carport, and not need one.

I mean, what are your relations like?
All my relations still in Poland.

Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player.

Does your wife beat you up?
No, I always wake up before her.

Is your wife a nagger?
No, she white.

Why do you want this divorce?
She going to kill me.
What makes you think that?
I got proof.
What kind of proof?
She going to poison me. She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in  bathroom. I can read, and it say:  "Polish Remover".

sent in by Ament V Nagar - Auckland

.......and always remember (don't forget...)


Please Try our little Colour Test - Right Brain vs Left Brain:

You might like to check out Krishna-conscious jokes -
Also check out the Humour section of the Main Index:

A Grateful Word to ourSupporters

to all the readers who have one way or another subscribed to N.Z.H.K.S.R.Network.
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